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Sunday, January 3, 2016

WordPress Instalacija sa XAMPP-om (WordPress installation with XAMPP)

1. Pokrenite XAMPP. Pokrenite Apache i MySQL klikom na start dugme.
2. Otvorite phpMyAdmin, kliknite na Admin u liniji MySQL-a ili ukucajte u address bar http://localhost/phpmyadmin/.
3. Kliknite na karticu Databases, u prvo polje upisite ime baze podataka, u ovom primeru, wp-bazar, a u drugo polje odaberite odgovarajuci Collation, u ovom primeru, utf8_unicode_ci, pa klik na dugme Create.

4. Skinite zadnju verziju WordPress-a. Raspakujte. 

5. Kopirajte drugi folder i prekopirajte ga u C:/xampp/htdocs. Zatim preimenujte taj folder kao ime baze podataka, u ovom primeru, wp-bazar.

6. Otvorite folder wp-bazar i pronadjite wp-config-sample.php dokument i preimenujte ga u wp-config.php.

7. Otvorite wp-config.php u Notepad, Notepad++, Sublime Text ili nekom drugom editoru teksta, pritisnite CTRL i F i ubacite sledeci tekst define('DB_NAME'

8. Umesto database_name_here stavite ime vase baze podataka, u ovom primeru, wp-bazar; umesto username_here stavite root, a umesto password_here ostavite prazno.  Pritisnite CTRL i S da sacuvate dokument i CTRL i W da ga zatvorite.

9. U address bar ukucajte ime vaseg hosta i ime foldera, u ovom primeru, http://localhost/wp-bazar.
10. Izaberite jezik i klik na Continue.

11. Popunite podatke za vas websajt/blog. Site Title - ime vaseg websajta (koje kasnije mozete promeniti); Username - korisnicko ime za login (koje kasnije ne mozete promeniti); Your Email - vas aktivni email; Search Engine Visibility - ostavite prazno, da bi pretrazivac indeksirao vas websajt/blog. Opcionalno - otvorite tekst dokument, sacuvajte ga, a u njega upisite: 

ime-baze-podataka: wp-bazar
naslov sajta: Bazar
korisnicko ime: bazar 
lozinka: prekopirajte lozinku
email:  vas email

CTRL i S da sacuvate dokument. Prekopirajte na USB ili eksterni hard disk.

Klik na Install WordPress.

12. Login stranica, ime vaseg hosta, ime foldera gde se nalazi vas websajt/blog i wp-login.php, u ovom primeru,  http://localhost/wp-bazar/wp-login.php
13. Taa daaa :)

1. Start XAMPP. Start Apache and MySQL by clicking the Start button.
2. Open phpMyAdmin, click Admin in line of MySQL or type in the address bar http://localhost/phpmyadmin/.
3. Click the tab Databases, in the first field, enter the name of the database, in this example, wp-bazaar, and in the second field, select the appropriate collation, in this example, utf8_unicode_ci, and click on the Create button.

4. Download the latest version of WordPress. Unpack.

5. Copy 2nd folder and copy it to C:/xampp/htdocs. Then rename that folder as the database name, in this example, wp-bazar.

6. Open the folder wp-bazaar and find wp-config-sample.php document and rename it to wp-config.php.

7. Open wp-config.php in Notepad, Notepad ++, Sublime Text, or another text editor, press CTRL + F and insert the following text: define ('DB_NAME'

8. Instead of database_name_here put the name of your database, in this example, wp-bazar; instead of username_here put root, and instead of password_here leave blank. Press CTRL + S to save a document and CTRL + W to close it.

9. In the address bar, type the name of your host and the name of the folder, in this example, http://localhost/wp-bazaar.
10. Select the language and click Continue.

11. Complete data for your website/blog. Site Title - the name of your websites (which you can later change); Username - username to login (which you cannot change later); Your Email - you active email; Search Engine Visibility - leave blank, so search can crawl your website/blog. Optional - open the text file, save it, and enter:

db-name: wp-bazar
site title: Bazar
username: bazar
password: copy the password
email: your email

CTRL + S to save a document. Copy to USB flash drive or External Hard Drive.

Click on Install WordPress.

12. Login page, the name of your host, the name of the folder where is your website/blog and wp-login.php, in this case, http://localhost/wp-bazar/wp-login.php

13. Taa daaa :)

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