We are going to design and code simple website. Part 1 will be GIMP design of home page, Part 2 Slicing GIMP design (home page) and Part 3 will be code.
Step 1 - What you need
- A code editor (Notepad++, Sublime Text 2 or 3, or any other)
- Basic understanding of how HTML works, basic syntax and tags
- Basic understanding of CSS, also you should understand how selectors work and be familiar with basic properties.
- A browser Chrome, Firefox ...
We will make a very simple home page, with four basic elements: header, content, sidebar and footer.
Tip: when you make some changes to the document, press CTRL+S to save document.
Step 3 - Let's start
Open up new GIMP document (CTRL+N), for example, 1100px by 1200px.
Save file, for example, first-website.xcf.
We are going to drag in vertical guides at the 100, 400, 700 and 1000px.
Choose you backround color, mine is #bbd3df. Press CTRL+S to save changes.
Step 4 - Header
Create new layer (Shift+CTRL+N), rename it to header and click OK.
Select rectangle tool (R) and draw a big, blue box at the top of the document, mine is 170px high.
Select Bucket Fill Tool (Shift+B), click on foregorund color and pick the color #22b5ea. Fill the rectangle.
From top menu, click Select -> None (Shift+CTRL+A) to deselect.
Draw a small (in height), dark blue bar at the very top of the page. Create new layer (Shift+CTRL+N), rename it to top bar and click OK.
Select rectangle tool (R) and draw about 40px high rectangle.
Select Bucket Fill Tool (Shift+B), click on foreground color and pick the color #134659. Fill the rectangle.
From top menu, click Select -> None (Shift+CTRL+A) to deselect. Press CTRL+S to save changes.
Step 5 - Navigation bar
Select header layer and choose Move Tool (M). Move header rectangle down, below top bar.
Select top bar layer. Create new layer (Shift+CTRL+N), rename it to nav bar and click OK.
Select rectangle tool (R) and draw rectangle about 45px high. While still selected pick colors for gradient. Select foreground color #2782a4 and select background color #7bc8e5.
Gradient: FG to BG (RGB), Offset: 0.0, Shape: Linear,
Repeat: None, Dithering: chek box, Adaptive supersampling: leave blank.
So with Blend Tool selected, press CTRL and click from bottom of rectangle to top.
Step 6 - Footer
Draw a dark blue box at the bottom of the page.Select top bar layer. Create new layer (Shift+CTRL+N), rename it to footer and click OK.
Select rectangle tool (R) and draw rectangle about 65px high. Select Bucket Fill Tool (Shift+B) and pick the color is #3086a6. Fill the rectangle.
From top menu, click Select -> None (Shift+CTRL+A) to deselect. Press CTRL+S to save changes.
Step 7 - Logo
For the logo, we are going to draw a rectangle.Select footer layer. Create new layer (Shift+CTRL+N), rename it to logo and click OK.
Select Bucket Fill Tool (Shift+B) and pick the color is #197ea4. Fill the rectangle.
From top menu, click Select -> None (Shift+CTRL+A) to deselect. Press CTRL+S to save changes.
Select logo layer. Select Text Tool (A).
Over rectangle that we just created, draw rectangle for our text. From Toolbox, under Color: pick white color - #ffffff.
Click in rectangle and GIMP Text Editor will pop up. Type in text, LOGO.
For Text, choose Font you want, I chose Sans Bold, Size: 32px. Click close button.
Select logo layer. Select Text Tool (A) and in line of logo, draw rectangle for our tagline. From Toolbox, under Color: pick white color - #ffffff, or the color you like. Click in rectangle and GIMP Text Editor will pop up. Type in your tagline - "Here add tagline". For Text, choose Font you want, I chose Sans Bold, Size: 22px. Click close button.
Write the navigation links and space them about evenly.
a) Select Here add tagline layer. Select Text Tool (A). Over nav bar that we created earlier, draw rectangle for our navigation links. From Toolbox, under Color: pick color - #134659.
If GIMP Text Editor is not open, click in rectangle and it will pop up. Type in text, Home. For Text, choose Font you want, I chose Sans Bold, Size: 25px. Click close button.
b) Click Move Tool (M), click on text Home and align text with top, left, bottom and right arrows.
Select Home layer, right click on it and from drop down menu choose Duplicate Layer
Select Text Tool (A), click on Home text twice and GIMP Text Editor will pop up. Instead of Home type in About.
Hover over in between two little squares on right side, click and move to right, to adjust width of About text. Click close button, to close GIMP Text Editor.
Repeat step 9b to create links Projects and Contact.
Step 10 - Main content - first part
a) Go to Lorem Ipsum website and click Generate Lorem Ipsum button.
b) Main content text will be width of the first 2/3 of the page. We will have h2 for title, h3 for summary and p for paragraph text.
c) Select Contact layer. Select Text Tool (A) and draw rectangle for our h2 title, from first guide to third guide. From Toolbox, under Color: pick color - #157598.
If GIMP Text Editor is not open, click in rectangle with text (one or twice) and it will pop up. Go to Lorem Ipsum website, copy some text and paste it in GIMP Text Editor.
For Text, choose Font you want, I chose Sans Bold, Size: 32px. Click close button.
e) Select h3 summary layer. Select Move Tool (M), click on Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit text, press Shift and down arrow twice.
From Toolbox, under Color: pick color - #2789ae, For Font choose the one you want, I chose Sans Bold, for Size: 22px. Hover over dashed bottom line and when solid line appears under, click and pull down to adjust visibility of h3 summary text.
g) Select paragraph1 layer. Select Move Tool (M), click on last box of text, press Shift and down arrow 4 times.
Select Text Tool (T) and click on last text box twice (GIMP Text Editor will pop up). Go to Lorem Ipsum website, copy some text for our first paragraph and instead of text that's in there, paste.
For Font choose the one you want, I chose Arial, for Size: 16px.
Repeat steps 10f and 10g to create paragraph2 text. Move text down pressing Shift and down arrow 3 times.
a) Select h3 summary layer and click Duplicate layer (left from anchor). Double click new layer and rename it to Latest News, press Enter.
Select Latest News layer, click and drag above paragraph2 layer. Click on Move Tool (M), click on second text (Etiam posuere...), press Shift and down arrow few times (11 times) to move text below paragraph2.
b) Click on Text Tool (T), click on last text box twice (GIMP Text Editor will pop up). Select all text and type in Latest News.
From Toolbox choose Font: Sans Bold, for Size: leave 22px and for Color pick #157598 (same as h2 - Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit title).
c) Select Latest News layer, and click Duplicate layer (left from anchor). Double click new layer and rename it to news1, press Enter.
Click on Move Tool (M), click on Latest News text, press Shift and down arrow 2 times, to move text below Latest News.
Select Text Tool (T), click twice on second Latest News text, copy some Lorem ipsum text, and instead of Latest News paste.
From Toolbox choose Font: Sans Bold, for Size: 18px and for Color pick #373737.
Select Move Tool (M), click on first paragraph above Latest News, press Shift and down arrow 7 times, to place it below news title.
From Toolboc change Font to 14px. Hover over the rectangles on the right side, click and drag left to adjust. Hover over the rectangles on the bottom, click and drag up to adjust.
e) Select paragraph2 layer. Click Duplicate layer (left from anchor), rename new layer to news text 1, press Enter, then click and drag above date1 layer.
Select Move Tool (M), click on first paragraph above Latest News, press Shift and down arrow 8 times, to place it below date. Then press down arrow few times more.
Click Text Tool (T), click twice on text below news title (GIMP Text Editor will pop up). After text paste some more Lorem ipsum text. Hover over the rectangles on the bottom, click and drag down to adjust the visibility of text.
Select date1 layer, duplicate it, rename to date2, click and drag above news2 layer.
Click Text Tool (T), click twice on last text box (GIMP Text Editor will pop up). Copy some Lorem ipsum text and paste instead of the text inside editor. Click close button, to close GIMP Text Editor.
i) Select Read more layer, duplicate, rename it to Read more 2, click and drag above news text 2 layer.
Select Move Tool (M), click on Read more text, press Shift and down arrow 9 times, to place in the last line of news text 2.
Draw rectangle in third column for sidebar region.
a) Select Read more 2 layer. Create new layer (Shift+CTRL+N), rename it to sidebar and click OK.
Select Bucket Fill Tool (Shift+B) and pick the color is #98c6d7.
We are going to create 3 sections in sidebar: subscribe, new blog posts and latest projects with button hire us.
b) Select Latest News layer.
Click on layer and drag up above sidebar layer.
Select Move Tool (M), click on Latest News text (on left side), press Shift and right arrow 24 times to place it in sidebar rectangle.
c) Now we will create links. Select Subscribe layer. Duplicate it (left from anchor), rename it to Subscribe via RSS.
Select Subscribe via RSS layer, then select Text Tool (T) and click twice on second Subscribe text (GIMP Text Editor will pop up). After Subscribe add via RSS.
d) Select Subscribe via RSS layer, click in the empty square next to eye and chain will appear. Click on empty square above this layer and on the layer above that. So at the end you'll have chains in Subscribe via RSS, Follow Us on Tw and Follow Us on Fb layers.
RSS icon - https://www.iconfinder.com/icons/341106/rss_icon#size=32
Twitter icon - https://www.iconfinder.com/icons/341111/twitter_icon#size=32
Facebook icon - https://www.iconfinder.com/icons/341099/facebook_icon#size=32
Create new folder and name it, for example, first website.
f) Adding icons. Click on chains of all three layers - Subscribe via RSS, Follow Us on Tw and Follow Us on Fb, to remove them.
From left side draw guide to touch letter S of Subscribe. Click on rss icon and press arrows to move it to the guide.
Select Follow Us on Fb layer, press CTRL+Alt+O, find facebook_icon and click Open. Select facebook_icon.png layer, select Move Tool (M) and click on facebook icon and drag on the left side of Follow Us on Facebook text. Click on facebook icon and press arrows to move it to the guide.
Click on both chains to remove them.
a) Select Subscribe layer. Duplicate it (left from anchor), rename it to New Blog Posts.
b) Select Follow Us on Fb layer. Duplicate it (left from anchor), rename it to link text 1.
Click on layer and drag up above New Blog Posts layer.
Select Move Tool (M), click on Follow Us on Fb text press Shift and down arrow 3 times to place under New Blog Posts text. Press Shift and left arrow twice. Adjust with right arrow to touch the guide.
c) Select link text 1 layer. Duplicate it (left from anchor), rename it to link text 2.
Step 11 - Sidebar - Projects
a) Select New Blog Posts layer. Duplicate it (left from anchor), rename it to Projects 3c (which means Projects in third column, since we already have Projects layer from navigation bar).
Click on layer and drag up above link text 4 layer.
b) Select link text 1 layer. Duplicate it (left from anchor), rename it to projects text 1.
Select Move Tool (M), click on Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet text press Shift and down arrow 6 times to place under Projects text. Select projects text 1 layer, then select Text Tool (T) and click twice on second Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet text (GIMP Text Editor will pop up). Copy some Lorem ipsum text and paste in text editor.
c) Select projects text 1 layer. Duplicate it (left from anchor), rename it to projects text 2.
Select Move Tool (M), click on Duis accumsan... text press Shift and down arrow once to place under lorem ipsum... text.
Step 11 - Sidebar - Button
a) Select Bucket Fill Tool (Shift+B), click on foreground color (change foregorund color window will pop up).
Click on eyedropper tool, in the line of HTML notation. Then click on logo rectangle to copy the color (#197ea4) and click OK.
Select Bucket Fill Tool (Shift+B) and fill the rectangle.
From top menu, click Select -> None (Shift+CTRL+A) to deselect.
Select button layer, select Text Tool (T) and draw rectangle over the layer we just created (GIMP text Editor will pop up).
Click close button, to close GIMP Text Editor.
Select Move Tool (M), click on Hire Us text and with arrows align text in middle of button.
Step 12 - Footer
Add copyright text to the footer.
Select Hire Us layer, select Text Tool (T) and draw rectangle over the footer box, from left side to the right side (GIMP text Editor will pop up).
Hover over in between two little squares on right side, click and move to right, to the end of our document (1100px), then hover over in between two little squares on left side, click and move to left, to the start of our document (0px).
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