U prethodnom clanku videli smo kako mozemo da funkciji prosledimo podatke.
ucim_php("Ja ucim PHP.");
function ucim_php($tekst)
echo $tekst, "<br />";
Ja ucim PHP.
Ako ovoj funkciji zaboravite da prosledite argument i pozovete je
function ucim_php($tekst)
echo $tekst, "<br />";
dobicete poruku o gresci
Warning: Missing argument 1 for ucim_php(), called in C:\xampp2\htdocs\PHPtuts\podrazumevani-argumenti-funkcije.php on line 21 and defined in C:\xampp2\htdocs\PHPtuts\podrazumevani-argumenti-funkcije.php on line 23
Da biste ovo izbegli, funkciji mozete da zadate i podrazumevane argumente, koji se koriste ako ne posaljete ni jednu vrednost. Ovo mozete da uradite pomocu znaka jednako = i same vrednosti.
Primer 2:
function ucim_php($tekst = "Ja ucim PHP funkcije.")
echo $tekst, "<br />";
Ja ucim PHP funkcije.
Napomena: ako funkciji prosledite podatke, podrazumevana vrednost se nece koristiti.
Podrazumevane vrednosti mozete da zadate za vise argumenata, ali kada pocenete da dodeljujete podrazumevane vrednosti, morate da ih zadate za sve argumente koji slede, zato sto ce se PHP "zbuniti" ako ne dostaje vise parametara.
Primer 3:
function ucim_php($tekst1, $tekst2 = "Ja ucim ", $tekst = "PHP.")
echo $tekst1, $tekst2, $tekst3, "<br />";
prazna strana
Primer 4:
echo "<h1>Dobrodosli na Beogradski Plesni Festival</h1>";
rezervacija("Rossi", 2);
rezervacija("Marquez", 3, false);
function rezervacija($ime, $broj = 2, $balkon = true)
echo " Dobrodosli, $ime, imate rezervaciju za $broj" . " karte";
if ($balkon)
echo " na balkonu.";
echo " u parteru.";
In the previous article we saw how we can pass data to function.
learning_php("I am learning PHP.");
function learning_php($text)
echo $text, "<br />";
I am learning PHP.
If you forget to submit argument to this function and you call it
function learning_php($text)
echo $text, "<br />";
you will receive an warning message
Warning: Missing argument 1 for learning_php(), called in C:\xampp2\htdocs\PHPtuts\podrazumevani-argumenti-funkcije.php on line 31 and defined in C:\xampp2\htdocs\PHPtuts\podrazumevani-argumenti-funkcije.php on line 33
To avoid this, you can also provide the default arguments to the function, which are used if you do not send any value. This you can do with equal sign = and value itself.
Example 2:
function learning_php($text = "I am learning PHP functions.")
echo $text, "<br />";
I am learning PHP functions.
Note: if you forward data the function, the default value is not used.
Default values can be made for more arguments, but when you start to assign default values, you need to set them for all the arguments that follow, because PHP will be "confused" if more parameters is missing.
Example 3:
function learning_php($text1, $text2 = "I am learning ", $text = "PHP.")
echo $text1, $text2, $text3, "<br />";
empty page
Example 4:
echo "<h1>Welcome to Belgrade Dance Festival</h1>";
reservation("Rossi", 2);
reservation("Marquez", 3, false);
function reservation($name, $number = 2, $balcony = true)
echo " Welcome, $name, you have a reservation for $number" . " tickets";
if ($balcony)
echo " on the balcony.";
echo " in the parterre.";
ucim_php("Ja ucim PHP.");
function ucim_php($tekst)
echo $tekst, "<br />";
Ja ucim PHP.
Ako ovoj funkciji zaboravite da prosledite argument i pozovete je
function ucim_php($tekst)
echo $tekst, "<br />";
dobicete poruku o gresci
Warning: Missing argument 1 for ucim_php(), called in C:\xampp2\htdocs\PHPtuts\podrazumevani-argumenti-funkcije.php on line 21 and defined in C:\xampp2\htdocs\PHPtuts\podrazumevani-argumenti-funkcije.php on line 23
Da biste ovo izbegli, funkciji mozete da zadate i podrazumevane argumente, koji se koriste ako ne posaljete ni jednu vrednost. Ovo mozete da uradite pomocu znaka jednako = i same vrednosti.
Primer 2:
function ucim_php($tekst = "Ja ucim PHP funkcije.")
echo $tekst, "<br />";
Ja ucim PHP funkcije.
Napomena: ako funkciji prosledite podatke, podrazumevana vrednost se nece koristiti.
Podrazumevane vrednosti mozete da zadate za vise argumenata, ali kada pocenete da dodeljujete podrazumevane vrednosti, morate da ih zadate za sve argumente koji slede, zato sto ce se PHP "zbuniti" ako ne dostaje vise parametara.
Primer 3:
function ucim_php($tekst1, $tekst2 = "Ja ucim ", $tekst = "PHP.")
echo $tekst1, $tekst2, $tekst3, "<br />";
prazna strana
Primer 4:
echo "<h1>Dobrodosli na Beogradski Plesni Festival</h1>";
rezervacija("Rossi", 2);
rezervacija("Marquez", 3, false);
function rezervacija($ime, $broj = 2, $balkon = true)
echo " Dobrodosli, $ime, imate rezervaciju za $broj" . " karte";
if ($balkon)
echo " na balkonu.";
echo " u parteru.";
In the previous article we saw how we can pass data to function.
learning_php("I am learning PHP.");
function learning_php($text)
echo $text, "<br />";
I am learning PHP.
If you forget to submit argument to this function and you call it
function learning_php($text)
echo $text, "<br />";
you will receive an warning message
Warning: Missing argument 1 for learning_php(), called in C:\xampp2\htdocs\PHPtuts\podrazumevani-argumenti-funkcije.php on line 31 and defined in C:\xampp2\htdocs\PHPtuts\podrazumevani-argumenti-funkcije.php on line 33
To avoid this, you can also provide the default arguments to the function, which are used if you do not send any value. This you can do with equal sign = and value itself.
Example 2:
function learning_php($text = "I am learning PHP functions.")
echo $text, "<br />";
I am learning PHP functions.
Note: if you forward data the function, the default value is not used.
Default values can be made for more arguments, but when you start to assign default values, you need to set them for all the arguments that follow, because PHP will be "confused" if more parameters is missing.
Example 3:
function learning_php($text1, $text2 = "I am learning ", $text = "PHP.")
echo $text1, $text2, $text3, "<br />";
empty page
Example 4:
echo "<h1>Welcome to Belgrade Dance Festival</h1>";
reservation("Rossi", 2);
reservation("Marquez", 3, false);
function reservation($name, $number = 2, $balcony = true)
echo " Welcome, $name, you have a reservation for $number" . " tickets";
if ($balcony)
echo " on the balcony.";
echo " in the parterre.";
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