Do sada smo radili sa jednodimenzionalnim nizovima. Moguce je napraviti i nizove sa vise skupova kljuceva.
Primer: mozete da skupove cena motora za razlicite motore sacuvate na sledeci nacin.
$cene_motora["suzuki"] = 2500;
$cene_motora["lifan"] = 3700;
Ako imate jos jednu cenu motora, mozete da dodate drugi indeks koji oznacava broj motora.
Nastavak primera:
$cene_motora["suzuki"] [1] = 2500;
$cene_motora["suzuki"] [2] = 1900;
$cene_motora["honda"] [1] = 3700;
$cene_motora["honda"] [2] = 2550;
Sacuvajte ovaj fajl kao visedimenzionalni-nizovi.php.
Array ( [suzuki] => Array ( [1] => 2500 [2] => 1900 ) [honda] => Array ( [1] => 3700 [2] => 2550 ) )
Objasnjenje: sada se u promenljivoj $cene_motora["suzuki"] [1] nalazi cena motora suzuki iz jedne radnje, u promenljivoj $cene_motora["suzuki"] [2] je cena drugog motora suzuki, u drugoj radnji.
Pojedinacnim elementima niza mozete pristupiti pomocu oba indeksa.
Primer 2:
$cene_motora["suzuki"] [1] = 2500;
$cene_motora["suzuki"] [2] = 1900;
$cene_motora["honda"] [1] = 3700;
$cene_motora["honda"] [2] = 2550;
echo "Cena motora suzuki u prvoj radnji je ",
$cene_motora["suzuki"] [1], "<br />";
Cena motora suzuki u prvoj radnji je 2500
Ako zelite da ubacite stavku niza sa dvostrukim navodnicima, stavite je u viticaste zagrade {}, a za tekstualne kjuceve koristite jednostruke navodnike da izbegnete konflikt sa dvostrukim navodnicima.
Primer 3:
$cene_motora["suzuki"] [1] = 2500;
$cene_motora["suzuki"] [2] = 1900;
$cene_motora["honda"] [1] = 3700;
$cene_motora["honda"] [2] = 2550;
echo "Cena motora suzuki u prvoj radnji je
{$cene_motora['suzuki'] [1]}<br />";
Cena motora suzuki u prvoj radnji je 2500
Za kreiranje visedimenzionalnih nizova mozete koristiti sledecu sintaksu.
Napomena: na ovaj nacin vrednost indeksa pocinje od nula.
Primer 4:
$cene_motora["suzuki"] [] = 2500;
$cene_motora["suzuki"] [] = 1900;
$cene_motora["honda"] [] = 3700;
$cene_motora["honda"] [] = 2550;
Array ( [suzuki] => Array ( [0] => 2500 [1] => 1900 ) [honda] => Array ( [0] => 3700 [1] => 2550 ) )
U PHP-u visedimenzionalne nizove mozete posmatrati kao nizove nizova.
Primer 5: dvodimenzionalni niz se moze smatrati jednodimenzionalnim, kod kojeg je svaki element drugi jednodimenzionalni niz.
$cene_motora = array("suzuki" => array(2500, 1900),
"honda" => array(3700, 2550));
Array ( [suzuki] => Array ( [0] => 2500 [1] => 1900 ) [honda] => Array ( [0] => 3700 [1] => 2550 ) )
Ako zelite da niz pocne sa indeksom 1 a ne sa 0, mozete uraditi sledece:
Primer 6:
$cene_motora = array("suzuki" => array(1 => 2500, 2 => 1900),
"honda" => array(1 => 3700, 2 => 2550));
Array ( [suzuki] => Array ( [1] => 2500 [2] => 1900 ) [honda] => Array ( [1] => 3700 [2] => 2550 ) )
So far we have worked with one-dimensional arrays. It is possible to make arrays with more sets of keys.
Example: you can sets of the prices of motorcycles for different motorcycles, save in the following way.
$motorcycle_prices["suzuki"] = 2500;
$motorcycle_prices["honda"] = 3700;
If you have another price of motorcycles, you can add another index that indicates the number of motorcycle.
Example continued:
$motorcycle_prices["suzuki"] [1] = 2500;
$motorcycle_prices["suzuki"] [2] = 1900;
$motorcycle_prices["honda"] [1] = 3700;
$motorcycle_prices["honda"] [2] = 2550;
Save this file as a multidimensional-arrays.php.
Array ( [suzuki] => Array ( [1] => 2500 [2] => 1900 ) [honda] => Array ( [1] => 3700 [2] => 2550 ) )
Explanation: now in the variable $motorcycle_prices["suzuki"] [1] is motorcycle price of suzuki from one store, in the variable $motorcycle_prices["suzuki"] [2] is motorcycle price of suzuki from second store
Individual elements of an array can be accessed using both indexes.
Example 2:
$motorcycle_prices["suzuki"] [1] = 2500;
$motorcycle_prices["suzuki"] [2] = 1900;
$motorcycle_prices["honda"] [1] = 3700;
$motorcycle_prices["honda"] [2] = 2550;
echo "Price of motorcycle suzuki in first store is ",
$motorcycle_prices["suzuki"] [1], "<br />";
Price of motorcycle suzuki in first store is 2500
If you want to insert the item of array with double quotes, place it in curly braces {}, and for text keys, use single quotes to avoid conflict with the double quotes.
Example 3:
$motorcycle_prices["suzuki"] [1] = 2500;
$motorcycle_prices["suzuki"] [2] = 1900;
$motorcycle_prices["honda"] [1] = 3700;
$motorcycle_prices["honda"] [2] = 2550;
echo "Price of motorcycle suzuki in first store is
{$motorcycle_prices['suzuki'] [1]}<br />";
Price of motorcycle suzuki in first store is 2500
To create a multi-dimensional arrays, you can use the following syntax.
Note: in this way the value of the index starts from zero.
Example 4:
$motorcycle_prices["suzuki"] [] = 2500;
$motorcycle_prices["suzuki"] [] = 1900;
$motorcycle_prices["honda"] [] = 3700;
$motorcycle_prices["honda"] [] = 2550;
Array ( [suzuki] => Array ( [0] => 2500 [1] => 1900 ) [honda] => Array ( [0] => 3700 [1] => 2550 ) )
In PHP multidimensional arrays you can view as a arrays of arrays.
Example 5: two-dimensional array can be considered as one-dimensional, in which each element is the second one-dimensional array.
$motorcycle_prices = array("suzuki" => array(2500, 1900),
"honda" => array(3700, 2550));
Array ( [suzuki] => Array ( [0] => 2500 [1] => 1900 ) [honda] => Array ( [0] => 3700 [1] => 2550 ) )
If you want to start array with an index of 1 and not 0, you can do the following:
Example 6:
$motorcycle_prices = array("suzuki" => array(1 => 2500, 2 => 1900),
"honda" => array(1 => 3700, 2 => 2550));
Array ( [suzuki] => Array ( [1] => 2500 [2] => 1900 ) [honda] => Array ( [1] => 3700 [2] => 2550 ) )
Primer: mozete da skupove cena motora za razlicite motore sacuvate na sledeci nacin.
$cene_motora["suzuki"] = 2500;
$cene_motora["lifan"] = 3700;
Ako imate jos jednu cenu motora, mozete da dodate drugi indeks koji oznacava broj motora.
Nastavak primera:
$cene_motora["suzuki"] [1] = 2500;
$cene_motora["suzuki"] [2] = 1900;
$cene_motora["honda"] [1] = 3700;
$cene_motora["honda"] [2] = 2550;
Sacuvajte ovaj fajl kao visedimenzionalni-nizovi.php.
Array ( [suzuki] => Array ( [1] => 2500 [2] => 1900 ) [honda] => Array ( [1] => 3700 [2] => 2550 ) )
Objasnjenje: sada se u promenljivoj $cene_motora["suzuki"] [1] nalazi cena motora suzuki iz jedne radnje, u promenljivoj $cene_motora["suzuki"] [2] je cena drugog motora suzuki, u drugoj radnji.
Pojedinacnim elementima niza mozete pristupiti pomocu oba indeksa.
Primer 2:
$cene_motora["suzuki"] [1] = 2500;
$cene_motora["suzuki"] [2] = 1900;
$cene_motora["honda"] [1] = 3700;
$cene_motora["honda"] [2] = 2550;
echo "Cena motora suzuki u prvoj radnji je ",
$cene_motora["suzuki"] [1], "<br />";
Cena motora suzuki u prvoj radnji je 2500
Ako zelite da ubacite stavku niza sa dvostrukim navodnicima, stavite je u viticaste zagrade {}, a za tekstualne kjuceve koristite jednostruke navodnike da izbegnete konflikt sa dvostrukim navodnicima.
Primer 3:
$cene_motora["suzuki"] [1] = 2500;
$cene_motora["suzuki"] [2] = 1900;
$cene_motora["honda"] [1] = 3700;
$cene_motora["honda"] [2] = 2550;
echo "Cena motora suzuki u prvoj radnji je
{$cene_motora['suzuki'] [1]}<br />";
Cena motora suzuki u prvoj radnji je 2500
Za kreiranje visedimenzionalnih nizova mozete koristiti sledecu sintaksu.
Napomena: na ovaj nacin vrednost indeksa pocinje od nula.
Primer 4:
$cene_motora["suzuki"] [] = 2500;
$cene_motora["suzuki"] [] = 1900;
$cene_motora["honda"] [] = 3700;
$cene_motora["honda"] [] = 2550;
Array ( [suzuki] => Array ( [0] => 2500 [1] => 1900 ) [honda] => Array ( [0] => 3700 [1] => 2550 ) )
U PHP-u visedimenzionalne nizove mozete posmatrati kao nizove nizova.
Primer 5: dvodimenzionalni niz se moze smatrati jednodimenzionalnim, kod kojeg je svaki element drugi jednodimenzionalni niz.
$cene_motora = array("suzuki" => array(2500, 1900),
"honda" => array(3700, 2550));
Array ( [suzuki] => Array ( [0] => 2500 [1] => 1900 ) [honda] => Array ( [0] => 3700 [1] => 2550 ) )
Ako zelite da niz pocne sa indeksom 1 a ne sa 0, mozete uraditi sledece:
Primer 6:
$cene_motora = array("suzuki" => array(1 => 2500, 2 => 1900),
"honda" => array(1 => 3700, 2 => 2550));
Array ( [suzuki] => Array ( [1] => 2500 [2] => 1900 ) [honda] => Array ( [1] => 3700 [2] => 2550 ) )
So far we have worked with one-dimensional arrays. It is possible to make arrays with more sets of keys.
Example: you can sets of the prices of motorcycles for different motorcycles, save in the following way.
$motorcycle_prices["suzuki"] = 2500;
$motorcycle_prices["honda"] = 3700;
If you have another price of motorcycles, you can add another index that indicates the number of motorcycle.
Example continued:
$motorcycle_prices["suzuki"] [1] = 2500;
$motorcycle_prices["suzuki"] [2] = 1900;
$motorcycle_prices["honda"] [1] = 3700;
$motorcycle_prices["honda"] [2] = 2550;
Save this file as a multidimensional-arrays.php.
Array ( [suzuki] => Array ( [1] => 2500 [2] => 1900 ) [honda] => Array ( [1] => 3700 [2] => 2550 ) )
Explanation: now in the variable $motorcycle_prices["suzuki"] [1] is motorcycle price of suzuki from one store, in the variable $motorcycle_prices["suzuki"] [2] is motorcycle price of suzuki from second store
Individual elements of an array can be accessed using both indexes.
Example 2:
$motorcycle_prices["suzuki"] [1] = 2500;
$motorcycle_prices["suzuki"] [2] = 1900;
$motorcycle_prices["honda"] [1] = 3700;
$motorcycle_prices["honda"] [2] = 2550;
echo "Price of motorcycle suzuki in first store is ",
$motorcycle_prices["suzuki"] [1], "<br />";
Price of motorcycle suzuki in first store is 2500
If you want to insert the item of array with double quotes, place it in curly braces {}, and for text keys, use single quotes to avoid conflict with the double quotes.
Example 3:
$motorcycle_prices["suzuki"] [1] = 2500;
$motorcycle_prices["suzuki"] [2] = 1900;
$motorcycle_prices["honda"] [1] = 3700;
$motorcycle_prices["honda"] [2] = 2550;
echo "Price of motorcycle suzuki in first store is
{$motorcycle_prices['suzuki'] [1]}<br />";
Price of motorcycle suzuki in first store is 2500
To create a multi-dimensional arrays, you can use the following syntax.
Note: in this way the value of the index starts from zero.
Example 4:
$motorcycle_prices["suzuki"] [] = 2500;
$motorcycle_prices["suzuki"] [] = 1900;
$motorcycle_prices["honda"] [] = 3700;
$motorcycle_prices["honda"] [] = 2550;
Array ( [suzuki] => Array ( [0] => 2500 [1] => 1900 ) [honda] => Array ( [0] => 3700 [1] => 2550 ) )
In PHP multidimensional arrays you can view as a arrays of arrays.
Example 5: two-dimensional array can be considered as one-dimensional, in which each element is the second one-dimensional array.
$motorcycle_prices = array("suzuki" => array(2500, 1900),
"honda" => array(3700, 2550));
Array ( [suzuki] => Array ( [0] => 2500 [1] => 1900 ) [honda] => Array ( [0] => 3700 [1] => 2550 ) )
If you want to start array with an index of 1 and not 0, you can do the following:
Example 6:
$motorcycle_prices = array("suzuki" => array(1 => 2500, 2 => 1900),
"honda" => array(1 => 3700, 2 => 2550));
Array ( [suzuki] => Array ( [1] => 2500 [2] => 1900 ) [honda] => Array ( [1] => 3700 [2] => 2550 ) )
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