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Sunday, October 11, 2020

Zaboravljena windows 7 lozinka administratora (Forgot windows 7 administrator password)

Ako ste promenili lozinku i ne mozete da se setite ili se dugo niste logovali.

1) Idite na Start dugme i kliknite Shut down. 

2) Sacekajte da se racunar ugasi.

3) Pritisnite i drzite Power dugme da upalite racunar i kada vidite Windows logo pritisnite Power dugme da se ugasi racunar tj. da pokrenete Startup Repair.

4) Ovaj proces, zavisno od brzine vaseg racunara mozete trajati od 10 do 15 minuta. Pojavice vam se prozor sa porukom da li zelite da vratite na pocetno stanje, necete, tako da kliknite na Cancel. Sacekajte da zavrsi Startup Repair proces.

5) Kad se taj proces zavrsio, kliknite na strelicu ispred View problem details.

6) Sa desne strane imate klizac, kliknite na njega i spustite se skroz dole. Kliknite na zadnji link. Otvorice vam se dokument u Notepadu.

7) Na vrh prozora kliknite na File, a zatim na Open. Otvorice vas se prozor. Kliknite na Computer. Zatim kliknite na Local C disk dva puta da ga otvorite.

8) Sa klizacem desno spustite se do Windows folder. Kliknite dva puta da se otvori.

9) Zatim u dnu prozora, gde je Files of type izaberite All Files.

10) Kliknite na folder System32.

11) Sa klizacem na desnoj strani spustite se do fajla sethc. Desnim klikom misa kliknite na Rename ili selektujte (izaberite) fajl pa na tastaturi pritisnite F2 da preimenujete fajl. Dodajte neki broj ili slovo. Pritisnite Enter da potvrdite. U ovom primeru, ja sam dodala broj 7 na kraj. Znaci sada se fajl zove sethc7.

12) Sa klizacem se potpnite gore do fajla cmd.

13) Desnim klikom misa kliknite na Copy ili selektujte (izaberite) fajl pa na tastaturi pritisnite CTRL + C da kopirate fajl. 

14) Sa klizacem, na desnoj strani, spustite se skroz na kraj liste i na beli deo i desnim klikom misa, kliknite na Paste. Kopiran je cmd fajl.

15) Desnim klikom misa kliknite na cmd - copy fajl ili selektujte (izaberite) fajl pa na tastaturi pritisnite F2 da preimenujete fajl. Ukucajte sethc. Pritisnite Enter da potvrdite. 

16) Zatvorite sve prozore na ekranu klikom na X.

17) Ne zelite da posaljete izvestaj, pa kliknite na Don't send report.

18) Kliknite na dugme Finish.

19) Racunar ce da se ugasi.

20) Pritisnuti Power dugme da upalite racunar.

21) Kada se otvori do mesta sa vasim racunom sa lozinkom, na tastaturi pritisnite dugme Shift 5 (pet) puta. Otvorice se cmd (Command Prompt) prozor sethc.exe.

22) Nalazite se u sistemu32.

23) Ukucajte net user i pritisnite Enter da vidite listu svih korisnika racunara.

24) Ukucajte net user "korisnicko ime" * (zvezdica) i pritisnite Enter, da pokrenete dodavanje nove lozinke.

Napomena: ako se vase korisnicko ime sastoji od jedne reci, na primer, Sova, ukucacete bez duplih navodnika:

net user sova * 

onda pritisnite Enter.

Ako se vase korisnicko ime sastoji od dve reci, na prime Nocna Sova, morate da koristite duple navodnike:

net user "nocna sova" *

onda pritisnite Enter.

Zvedica oznacava da se vasa loznika nece videti dok kucate. Cmd ne razlikuje mala i velika slova. Tako da, ako vam je korisnicko ime Nocna Sova, mozete ukucati nocna sova.

25) Dobicete poruku - type the password for the user:
Mozete ukucati zeljenu lozinku, u ovom primeru ja sam ostavila prazno. Pritisnite Enter.

26) Dobicete poruku da ponovo ukucate lozinku. Ako ste ostavili prazno samo pritisnite Enter da potvrdite, a ako ste ukucali lozinku - ponovite je.

27) Dobicete poruku - the command completed succesfully. Uspesno.

28) Ukucajte exit i pritisnite Enter. Zatvorice se cmd prozor.

29) Pojavice vam se korisnicko ime pa ukucajte lozinku ako ste je postavili ili kliknite samo na korisnika da se ulogujete.

30) Tadaaaa :) 

Ako vam sve ovo izgleda strasno mozete pogledati video na mom jutub kanalu.

If you have changed your password and cannot remember or have not logged in for a long time.

1) Go to the Start button and click Shut down.

2) Wait for the computer to shut down.

3) Press the Power button to turn on the computer and when you see the Windows logo press and hold the Power button to turn off the computer, ie to start Startup Repair.

4) This process, depending on the speed of your computer, may take 10 to 15 minutes. A window will appear with a message asking if you want to restore, you won't, so click Cancel. Wait for the Startup Repair process to complete.

5) When this process is complete, click on the arrow in front of View problem details.

6) On the right you have a slider, click on it and go all the way down. Click on the last link. A document will open in Notepad.

7) Click File at the top of the window, then Open. A window will open. Click Computer. Then double-click the Local C drive to open it.

8) Scroll right to the Windows folder. Double click to open.

9) Then at the bottom of the window, where Files of type is, select All Files.

10) Click on the System32 folder.

11) With the slider on the right, go down to the sethc file. Right-click with mouse on the file and click on Rename or select (choose) a file and press F2 on the keyboard to rename the file. Add a number or letter. Press Enter to confirm. In this example, I added the number 7 at the end. So now the file is called sethc7.

12) Scroll up to the cmd file.

13) Right-click with mouse on the cmd file and click on Copy or select (choose) a file and press CTRL + C on the keyboard to copy the file.

14) With the slider, on the right side, go all the way to the end of the list and on the white part right click the mouse, click on Paste. A cmd file has been copied.

15) Right-click on the cmd-copy file or select (choose) the file and click on Rename and press F2 on the keyboard to rename the file. Type sethc. Press Enter to confirm.

16) Close all windows on the screen by clicking X.

17) You do not want to send a report, so click on Don't send report.

18) Click the Finish button.

19) The computer will shut down.

20) Press the Power button to turn on the computer.

21) When it opens to the location with your password account, press the Shift key on the keyboard 5 (five) times. The cmd (Command Prompt) window of sethc.exe will open.

22) You are in the system32.

23) Type net user and press Enter to see a list of all computer users.

24) Type net user "user name" * (asterisk) and press Enter, to start adding a new password.

Note: If your username consists of one word, for example, Owl, you will type without double quotes:

net user owl *

then press Enter.

If your username consists of two words, for example Night Owl, you must use double quotes:

net user "night owl" *

then press Enter.

An asterisk indicates that your password will not be visible as you type. Cmd is not case sensitive. So, if your username is Night Owl, you can type night owl.

25) You will receive a message - type the password for the user:
You can type in the desired password, in this example I left it blank. Press Enter.

26) You will receive a message to re-type the password. If you left it blank, just press Enter to confirm, and if you typed in the password - repeat it.

27) You will receive a message - the command completed succesfully. Successful.

28) Type exit and press Enter. The cmd window will close.

29) You will see a username and enter the password if you have set it or just click on the user to log in.

30) Tadaaaa :)

If all this looks terrible to you, you can watch the video on my YouTube channel.


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