Post in English.
Prvi primer: ovde analiziram, internet prodavnicu. Klijent: zlatara papic ( Kreator: Ogitive (
Koliko je kostala izrada internet prodavnice ne znam. Kod ovog kreatora web sajta ili internet prodavnice nema cena i nema toga sta dobijate. Njegov web sajt nije cak ni na srpskom jeziku!?
Internet prodavnica zlatare papic, naslovna strana
Iz css dokumenta se vidi ko je napravio internet prodavnicu. Drugi, treci i cetvrti red na slici.
Navigacioni meni kretora web sajta
Licni web sajt kretora internet prodavnice. U prevodu - uskoro stize.
Isecak sa Linkedin stranice kreatora vidite da ima firmu za izradu web sajtova vec deset godina, skoro deset :)
Nemam dokaz o poslatoj poruci putem formulara Zlatari Papic, jer nisam ni razmisljala o pisanju ovog clanka. Napisala sam im kratku poruku: "Ko vam je napravio web sajt, zavrnuo vas je".
Nisam se nadala da ce odgovoriti nazad.
drago nam je sto ste nas kontaktirali, i ukazali na nedostatke. Zamolili
bismo Vas da nam kazete kakve su Vase primedbe kako bismo otklonili
nedostatke u cilju bolje reklame i saradnje sa kupcima preko online
Srdacan pozdrav
SZTKR Zlatara Papic
Moj odgovor njima.
Nemate osnovnu SEO optimizaciju.
Osim naslova stranice, na primer: "Homepage | Zlatara Papić | Zlatara Papić", meta podaci stranice su prazni.
Struktura naslova na stranici,, nije ispravna.
Odnos internih i eksternih linkova (veza) nije zadovoljavajuci. Imate 30 unutarnjih linkova a 93 eksternih.
Od 44 slike na ovoj stranici, naslovnoj, 9 slika nema alt oznaku, a 34 slika ima praznu alt oznaku.
Takodje, pojedine slike nisu imenovane i optimizovane za web sajt tj. internet prodavnicu.
S postovanjem,
Struktura naslova na naslovnoj stranici Zlatare Papic je:
<h2>veliki izbor satova i nakita
<h2>najpopularniji proizvodi
<h2>o nama
<h2>besplatna isporuka
<h2>način plaćanja
<h2>poklon vaučer
<h4>pregled privatnosti
Objasnjenje: struktura naslova nije ispravna. Na jednoj web stranici moze postojati samo jedan h1, jedan h2, i koliko je potrebno h3, h4, h5 i h5 naslova. Takodje, redosled je vazan. Prvi je h1, drugi h2 itd., zadnji je h6. H1 je najveci a h6 najmanji naslov.
Pojedine slike proizvoda nisu optimizovane.
Naziv ove slike je "BRILNAK161". Da li vi po nazivu ove slike mozete da zakljucite sta je na slici? Ja ne. Ovo je sifra ovog proizvoda. Naziv ove slike bi trebao biti - "ogrlica-belo-zlato-sa-rubinom-brilijantom", na primer. Da li sad mozete da zakljucite sta je na slici? Bolje zar ne?
Ova slika je teska 162.8 KB. Kada se optimizuje, bila bi teska 80.2 KB. Malo li je 50%.
A gde su sve druge slike?Drugi primer: ovde, takodje analiziram internet prodavnicu. Klijent: quilidreta - izrada rucno radjenog nakita. ( Kreator: Web Drummer (
Web Drummer
Koliko je kostala izrada internet prodavnice? Tacan iznos - ne znam. Inicijalni paket je 630 evra. S obzirom da je Quilidreta na dva jezika, iznos je veci od 630 evra.
Sta dobijate u Web Shop paketu?
Detaljno imate na web sajtu Web Drummer. A ovde sam izvukla jednostavnije.
U Web Shop paketu dobijate:
- Obrada i optimizacija svih slika, formatiranje tekstova. Obrada i optimizacija fotografija proizvoda (do 12 proizvoda.
- Kontakt formu.
- Povezivanje sa drustvenim mrezama.
- Prilagodjavanje web sajta mobilnim uredjajima (responsive).
- Osnovnu SEO optimiѕaciju (optimizacija za Google pretraživac).
- Do 40 web stranica.
- Galeriju slika (do 50 kom.).
- Blog ili Vesti do 12 strana, obrada i formatiranje materijala.
- Dodavanje posebnih strana (uslovi koriscenja, politika privatnosti i slicno).
- Implementacija i podesavanje dodatka za Shop.
- Dodavanje do 12 proizvoda (slike, opisi i ostalo).
Dobijate jos par stvari kao sto su dodaci za backup podataka, zastitu i bezbednost, koji jeseu bitni za vasu internet prodavnicu, ali u ovoj analizi web sajta nisu.
Da pocnem od stavke 1. Sastoji se iz dva dela. Prvi deo - obrada i optimizacija svih slika, formatiranje tekstova. Drugi deo - obrada i optimizacija fotografija proizvoda (do 12 proizvoda.
Na stranici slika kod kategorije Epoxy je optimizovana, a na stranici prva slika, nije optimizovana.
Stavka 2. Kontakt forma. Nemam zamerki.Stavka 3. Povezivanje sa drustvenim mrezama. Sto se ovog web sajta tice, (kao) nemam zamerki. Ali, ako je neka druga firma u pitanju koja ima vise od dve drustvene mreze, nastaje problem. Ne kazem da je neresiv, ali bih drugacije postavila povezivanje na drustvene mreze.
Stavka 4. Prilagodjavanje web sajta mobilnim uredjajima (responsive). Jeste responsive.
Stavka 5. Osnovnu SEO optimiѕaciju (optimizacija za Google pretraživac). Na web sajtu kreatora nema sta tacno spada u osnovni SEO. Manje-vise zna se sta spada u osvni SEO, ali svaki kreator definise sam za sebe sta ce ukljuciti u osnovni SEO. Na mom web sajtu mozete pogledati na stranici SEO Optimizacija (otvorice se u novom tabu/kartici) sta zapravo sve dobijate. Da li neki web sajt ima SEO ili ne, mozete proveriti na dva nacina. Prvi - putem nekog od besplatnih alata ili rucno kroz izvorni kod.
Prvi nacin. Alat 1.
Ova SEO analiza je za ceo web sajt, ali i samo za naslovnu stranicu.
Ocena za Quilidretu je D. Ocene se krecu izmedju A i F i podeljene su na 5 segmenata (na stranici SEO, linkovi, upotrebljivost, performans i drustvene mreze).
Segment 1 - na stranici SEO.
- Oznaka naslova je predugacka (tekst u tabu/kartici).
- Meta opis je predugacak.
- Naslov web stranice reda 1 (h1) je prekratak.
- Meta kljucnih reci nema.
- Kolicina sadrzaja na web stranici je mala.
- Alt atribut nedostaje na 6 slika. Vise o ovome mozete naci na stranici SEO Optimizacija (otvorice se u novom tabu/kartici) alt tag.
- Gugl analitike nema.
Segment 2 - linkovi. Unutrasnji linkovi bi mogli biti bolji.
Segment 3 - upotrebljivost.Email je u obicnom tekstu (, sto nije preporuka.
Segment 4 - performans.
Brzina stranice je spora.
brzina celog web sajta
Odgovor servera je 3 sekunde. Otvaranje svog sadrzaja web stranice je 11 sekundi. Brzina ucitavanja svih skripti na web stranici je 17.1 sekunde.
Ukupna tezina stranice je 7.7 MB. Podela tezine stranice: HTML 0.32 MB, CSS 2.56 MB, JS (skripte) 3.88 MB, slike 0.76 MB i drugo 0.21 MB.
brzina na mobilnim uredjajima je losa
Brzina otvaranja web sajta Quilidreta na mobilnim uredjajima je 10.3 sekunde. Preko 2.5 sekunde ocena je losa.
Segment 5 - drustvene mreze. Iz nekog razloga, ovaj alat nije prepoznao Facebook i Instagram povezivanje.
Prvi nacin. Alat 2.
Besplatna analiza dozvoljava analizu 150 web stranica. Na osnovu toga rezultat je 37.
Ocena brzine otvaranja web sajta Quilidreta na stonim racunarima je 69.
Ocena brzine otvaranja web sajta Quilidreta na mobilnim uredjajima je 17.
Quilidreta web sajt ima 122 kriticna problema, 572 upozorenja i 885 primedbi.
Kriticni problemi (neki od njih). - Neuskladjene deklaracije hreflang i HTML lang na 100 stranica.
- Dupla oznaka naslova na 20 stranica.
Upozorenja (neka od njih).
- Nedostaje alt oznaka na 137 stranica (od 150).
- Meta opisa nema na 128 stranica.
- Duplikat h1 je na 23 stranice.
- Prazan h1 je na 1 stranici.
- Nedostaje h1 na 1 stranici.
Primedbe (neke od njih).
- Previse kratak h1 na 20 stranica.
- Meta opis je previse dugacak na 9 stranica.
- Oznaka naslova (title tag) je previse kratka na 105 stranica.
- Oznaka naslova (title tag) je previse dugacka na 9 stranica.
Drugi nacin. Rucno (preko izvora koda - CTRL+U). Na stranici struktura stranice nije pravilna.
Kod je ogroman, pa sam ga skratila da mozete da vidite.
Prvo ide h2 Korpa, zatim h2 On Line Prodavnica, h3 Početna / Nakit / Minđuše / Metal / Minđuše Tresnjino Drvo, pa h1 Minđuše Tresnjino Drvo.
Pravilna struktura je od h1, pa h2, zatim h3, h4, h5 i h6.
Ja nisam izmislila toplu vodu. Postoje odredjena pravila kod izrade web sajta odnosno internet prodavnice, kao i kod SEO, koja treba da se postuju. Ako meni ne verujete mozete da izguglate sami ili evo mozete pogledati na stranici Univerziteta Kalifornije (otvorice se u novom tabu/kartici, na Engleskom).
Kada otvorite izvor koda (CTRL+U). Kliknite na CTRL+F pa ukucajte "<title"
Na isti nacin mozete proveriti sve oznake naslova, na primer, u polje za pretragu (CTRL+F) ukucajte "<h1" ili "<h2" itd.
ima 1 h1 oznaka naslova
ima 4 h2 oznaka naslova
ima 12 h3 oznaka naslova
nema nijedna h4 oznaka naslova
Takodje, mozete proveriti da je koriscen neki od pagebuilder-a za pravljenje web sajta tj. internet prodavnice. Jedan od najpopularnijih je Elementor. U polje za pretragu (CTRL+F), na stranici izvornog koda (CTRL+U), ukucajte "elementor".
Cim ih ima 12 a ne 0 znaci da je koriscen pagebuilder Elementor.
Mozete proveriti da li ova web stranica ima meta opis i meta kljucne reci, koje deo SEO. Ukucajte CTRL+F, pa ' <meta name="description" ' i CTRL+F pa ' <meta name="keywords" '
Mozete proveriti i neke od dodataka koje internet prodavnica koristi. CTRL+F pa ukucajte "/plugins/".
Broj 30 ne oznacava da ih ima 30 vec da se na toliko mesta pojavljuju.
Recimo, woocommerce se pojavljuje 17 puta.
Ova internet prodavnica je na srpskom jeziku, zar ne?
A zasto je ova stranica na engleskom!?
Primecujete li jos nesto na ovoj slici? Ispod prvog broja 404 krem boje, pise Pocetak pa onda ne vidite dalje. Ostatak teksta je " ⁄ Error 404".
Stavka 6. Do 40 web stranica.
Stavka 7. Galerija slika (do 50 kom.). Ne znam sta ovo znaci, ja nisam videla galeriju slika. Ali, mozda ovoj internet prodavnici nije ni potrebna.
Stavka 8. Blog ili Vesti do 12 strana, obrada i formatiranje materijala. Na stranici Novosti - ima teksta koji nije vidljiv.
breadcrumbs, ispod reci Novosti
Ono sto se ne vidi je ' ⁄ Kategorija "Novosti" ', a ni Pocetak bas nije vidljiv.
Mozda vi imate oko sokolovo, ali ja nosim tegle i za mene ova slova su veoma sitna.
Znam, znam, mogu na CTRL i + da povecam ali to nije poenta. Ne postoji za dzaba standardna velicina slova pri izradi web sajta. A ako je tip slova manji moze se i povecati.
A primecujete li nesto na ovoj slici?
Previous. Rec na engleskom za prethodni. Hmmm?
Na stranici takodje ne vidite breadcrumbs. A tekst
"Na edukativno-kreativnim radionicama u OŠ „Banović Strahinja“ vežbamo koncentraciju, pažnju, sitnu motoriku, razmeravamo, polemišemo, učimo, ispravljamo, pravimo, popravljamo, nadahnjujemo, takmičimo, stvaramo…"
izuzetan. A tek sto je obradjen i formatiran.
Kada ste u ulozi kreatora web sajta ili internet prodavnice na vama je da ukazete klijentu da jedna recenica nije dovoljna, pogotovu ako dajete osnovni SEO. Mozete dati klijentu smernice kako prosiriti tekst tj. recenicu. Na primer, "vezbamo koncentraciju" - kako? "paznju" - kako? "razmeravamo" - sta i kako? "polemisemo" - o cemu? "ucimo" - sta? kako? "nadahnjujemo" - koga? kako?
Interesuje me zasto su Novosti deo kategorije a ne stranice?
Novosti su zapravo Blog.
Takodje, nisu postavljenje specificne kategorije i oznake (tags).
A tek da ostavite komentar.
Osim na pocetku formulara "Ostavite odgovor" i na kraju, dugmeta "predaj komentar" ja jedva, jedva da vidim sta pise. Mora da su krive tegle ;)
Ako sam na stranici Novosti mene interesuju novosti a ne proizvodi. I obrnuto. Ovo je moje misljenje. I logicno je.
Na stranici Novosti i na pojednicanom clanku treba da stoje kategorije i oznake iz pojedinacnih clanaka, pored najnovijih clanaka, a ne novi proizvodi. Mogu, mogu stajati i novi prizvodi na ovoj stranici ali tek na kraju, a ne na vrhu.
Stavka 9. Dodavanje posebnih strana (uslovi koriscenja, politika privatnosti i slicno). Ima. Ali nije formatirano kompletno.
Opet ima teksta koji je tezi za citanje tj. razlicite boje od ostatka teksta na stranici.
Stavka 10. Implementacija i podesavanje dodatka za Shop. A kojih to? Kada sam kroz izvorni kod trazila plugins naisla sam na jedan dodatak (plugin) - woo variation swatches,
koji ovde nije upotrebljen. Zasto!?
Stavka 11. Dodavanje do 12 proizvoda (slike, opisi i ostalo).
Verujem da sastavljanje opisa za proizvode ne spada u osnovni SEO.
Mozda je to, ipak, deo naprednog SEO, koje ovo preduzece nije platilo.
A da li ste znali, da za jedan proizvod imate dva opisa (kraci i duzi)? Kraci opis se nalazi ispod naslova proizvoda, kao u ovom primeru, "Minđuše od drvenih štapića". Duzi opis se nalazi u tabu/kartici "Opis proizvoda", koga na ovoj internet prodavnici nema. Tamo gde su Recenzije, tu, tu treba da ima jos jedan tab/kartica.
A da li ste primetili jos nesto na ovoj slici (gore)?
Ja dve stvari. Prva, ima dve iste kategorije. Drvo i Drvo. Druga stvar, oznake proizvoda su "earrings" i "wood". Hmm? Trebaju biti "mindjuse" i "drvo". Zar ne? Gde vi vidite reci "earrings" i "wood" na ovoj stranici? ( Ja nigde. Kako je ovo lep detalj za SEO. Svaka cast.
I jos jedna stvar za kraj.
Ako sam na stranici koja je na srpskom jeziku, ocekujem da naziv slike takodje bude na srpskom jeziku.
Ime slike je "Earings-Metal-Hearts". I ovo je divno za SEO. Ako je element nakita na engleskom jeziku onda se moze napisati tako. Na primer, narukvica best friends .
Ova internet prodavnica osim sto je napravljena sa pagebuilder-om (koji ja ne odobravam), prenatrpana je dodacima (plugins) koji nisu neophodni a pojedini se i ne koriste. Takodje, nema osnovne SEO optimizacije kao sto je navedeno u ceni paketa. Internet prodavnica Quilidreta (otvorice se u novom tabu/kartici) je vecim delom na srpskom jeziku, ali ima delova koji su jos uvek na engleskom. Na pojediniom delovima web sajta tekst je ili slabo ili uopste nije citljiv.
Sve u svemu, da li mislite da je vredno dati preko 630 evra za ovakvu internet prodavnicu?
Ja mislim da nije. A Vi?
P. S.
Na isti nacin mozete proveriti i ostale web sajtove koje je ovaj kreator napravio i saznati da li ijedan njegov paket sadrzi osnovnu SEO optimizaciju, mislim, ako vas interesuje.
First example.
First example: I'm analyzing here, an online store. Client: goldsmith papic ( Creator: Ogitive (
I don't know how much it cost to build an online store. At this creator of website or online store there is no price and you have no idead what you will get. His website is not even in Serbian!?
Online store goldsmith papic, front page
The css document shows who made the online store. Second, third and fourth rows on the picture
Website creator navigation menu
Personal website of the creator of the online store. In translation - coming soon.
An excerpt from the creator's Linkedin page shows that he has had a website development company for ten years, almost ten :)
I do not have proof of the message sent via the Goldsmith Papic form, because I did not even think about writing this article. I wrote them a short message:
"Whoever made your website crossed you over."
I didn't expect the answer back.
We are glad that you contacted us, and pointed out the shortcomings. We would asked you to tell us what your objections are in order to eliminate shortcomings in order to better advertise and cooperate with customers on online store.
Best regards,
SZTKR Goldsmith Papic
My answer to them.
You don’t have basic SEO optimization.
In addition to the title of the page, for example: "Homepage | Goldsmith Papić | Zlatara Papić", the meta data of the page is empty.
The title structure on the page,, is incorrect.
The ratio of internal and external links is not satisfactory. You have 30 internal links and 93 external ones.
Of the 44 images on this homepage, 9 images do not have an alt tag, and 34 images have a blank alt tag.
Also, some images are not named and optimized for the website, ie the online store.
With respect,
The structure of the title on the front page of Goldsmith Papic is:
<h1> homepage
<h2> Large selection of watches and jewelry
<h2> jewelry
<h2> watches
<h2> glasses
<h2> most popular products
<h2> about us
<h2> brands
<h2> free shipping
<h2> payment method
<h2> gift voucher
<h4> privacy overview
Explanation: The title structure is incorrect. There can be only one h1, one h2, and as many h3, h4, h5 and h5 titles as needed on one web page. Also, order is important. The first is h1, the second h2, etc., the last is h6. H1 is the largest and h6 the smallest title.
Some product images are not optimized.
The name of this picture is "BRILNAK161". Can you tell from the name of this picture what is in the picture? I can't. This is the code for this product. The title of this image should be - "necklace-white-gold-with-ruby-diamond", for example. Can you now deduce what is in the picture? Better isn't it?
This image is heavy 162.8 KB. When optimized, it would weigh 80.2 KB. Is it a little 50%?
And where are all the other pictures?
Second example: here, I am also analyzing an online store. Client: quilidreta - making handmade jewelry. ( Creator: Web Drummer (
How much did it cost to build an online store? Exact amount - I don't know. The initial package is 630 euros. Since Quilidreta is in two languages, the amount is more than 630 euros.
What do you get in the Web Shop package?
You can find details on the Web Drummer website. And here I pulled out a simpler one.
In the Web Shop package you get:
- Processing and optimization of all images, text formatting. Processing and optimization of product photos (up to 12 products).
- Contact form.
- Connecting to social networks.
- Adapting the website to mobile devices (responsive).
- Basic SEO optimization (Google search engine optimization).
- Up to 40 web pages.
- Picture gallery (up to 50 pcs.).
- Blog or News up to 12 pages, processing and formatting of material.
- Adding special pages (terms of use, privacy policy, etc.).
- Implementation and configuration of the plugins for Shop.
- Adding up to 12 products (pictures, descriptions, etc.).
You get a few more things like add-ons for data backup, protection and security, which are essential for your online store, but they are not in this website analysis.
Let me start with item 1. It consists of two parts. The first part - processing and optimization of all images, text formatting. The second part - processing and optimization of product photos (up to 12 products.
At the image in the Epoxy category is optimized, and at the first image is not optimized.
Item 2. Contact form. I have no objections.
Item 3. Connecting to social networks. As for this website, (as) I have no objections. But if it is another company in question that has more than two social networks, a problem arises. I’m not saying it’s unsolvable, but I would put a connection to social media differently.
Item 4. Adaptation of the website to mobile devices (responsive). It is responsive.
Item 5. Basic SEO optimization (Google search engine optimization). On the creator's website, there is nothing exactly what belongs in basic SEO. It is more or less known what belongs to basic SEO, but each creator defines for himself what he will include in basic SEO. On my website you can see on the page SEO Optimization (it will open in a new tab, in Serbian) what you actually get.
Whether a website has SEO or not, you can check in two ways. The first - through one of the free tools or manually through the source code.
The first way. Tool 1.
This SEO analysis is for the entire website, but also only for the front page (homepage).
The rating for Quilidreta is D. The ratings range between A and F and are divided into 5 segments (on page SEO, links, usability, performance and social networks).
Segment 1 - on the page SEO.
- The title tag is too long (tab).
- The meta description is too long.
- Heading 1 (h1) is too short.
- Meta keywords are missing.
- The amount of content on the website is small.
- The alt attribute is missing in 6 images. You can find more about this on the SEO Optimization page (it will open in a new tab, in Serbian) alt tag.
- There is no Google analytics.
Segment 2 - links. Internal links could be better.
Segment 3 - usability.
Email is in plain text (, which is not a recommended.
Segment 4 - performance.
Page speed is slow.
the speed of the entire website
The server response is 3 seconds. It takes 11 seconds to open all website content. The loading speed of all scripts on the web page is 17.1 seconds.
The total weight of the page is 7.7 MB. Page weight distribution: HTML 0.32 MB, CSS 2.56 MB, JS (scripts) 3.88 MB, images 0.76 MB and other 0.21 MB.
the speed on mobile devices is poor
The opening speed of the Quilidreta website on mobile devices is 10.3 seconds. Over 2.5 seconds the rating is poor.
Segment 5 - social networks. For some reason, this tool did not recognize Facebook and Instagram connections.
The first way. Tool 2.
Free analysis allows the analysis of 150 web pages. Based on that, the result is 37.
The rating of the Quilidreta website opening speed on desktop computers is 69.
The rating of the speed of opening the Quilidreta website on mobile devices is 17.
The Quilidreta website has 122 critical issues, 572 warnings and 885 notices.
Critical problems (some of them).
- Inconsistent hreflang and HTML lang declarations on 100 pages.
- Double title tag on 20 pages.
- Warnings (some of them).
- 137 page alt tag (out of 150) is missing.
- There is no meta description on 128 pages.
- Duplicate h1 is on 23 pages.
- Blank h1 is on 1 page.
- Missing h1 is on 1 page.
Notices (some of them).
- Too short h1 at 20 pages.
- The meta description is too long at 9 pages.
- The title tag is too short at 103 pages.
- The title tag is too long at 9 pages.
The second way. Manually (via code source - CTRL + U). At the page structure is incorrect.
The code is huge, so I shortened it so you can see.
First goes h2 Basket, then h2 On Line Shop, h3 Home/Jewelry/Earrings/Metal/Earrings Cherry Wood, then h1 Earrings Cherry Wood.
The correct structure is from h1, then h2, then h3, h4, h5 and h6.
I didn't invent hot water. There are certain rules when creating a website or online store, as well as with SEO, which should be followed. If you don't believe me, you can google it yourself or you can take a look at the University of California page (it will open in a new tab).
When you open the code source (CTRL + U). Click on CTRL + F and type "<title"
You can check all the heading tags in the same way, for example, type "<h1" or "<h2" in the search field (CTRL + F), and so on.
has 4 h2 title tags
has 12 h3 title tags
there are no h4 title tags
Also, you can check if one of the pagebuilders was used to create a website, ie an online store. One of the most popular is Elementor. In the search box (CTRL + F), on the source code page (CTRL + U), type "elementor".
As soon as there are 12 and not 0, it means that the pagebuilder Elementor has been used.
More on why you should not use a pagebuilder to create a website or online store will be in another article.
You can check if this website has a meta description and meta keywords, which are part of SEO. Type CTRL + F, then ' <meta name = "description" ' and CTRL + F then ' <meta name = "keywords" '
You can also check out some of the plugins that the online store uses. CTRL + F and type "/plugins/".
The number 30 does not mean that there are 30, but that they appear in so many places.
For example, woocommerce appears 17 times.
And one more thing.
This online store is in Serbian, isn't it?
And why is this page in English !?
Do you notice anything else in this picture? Below the first number 404 in cream color, it says Home and then you don't see any further. The rest of the text is "⁄Error 404".
Item 6. Up to 40 web pages.
Item 7. Image gallery (up to 50 pcs.). I don't know what this means, I haven't seen the image gallery. But maybe this online store doesn't even need it.
Item 8. Blog or News up to 12 pages, processing and formatting of material. The News page - has text that is not visible.
breadcrumbs, below the word News
What you don't see is category News, and the Home is not visible either.
Maybe you have a falcon's eye, but I'm wearing jars and for me these letters are very small.
I know, I know, I can zoom in on CTRL and + but that's not the point. There is standard font size when creating a website for a reason. And if the typeface is smaller it can be increased.
And do you notice anything in this picture?
Previous. A word in English for the previous one. Hmmm?
On the page you also do not see breadcrumbs. A text
"At the educational-creative workshops in the elementary school" Banović Strahinja "we practice concentration, attention, fine motor skills, we measure, argue, learn, correct, make, fix, inspire, compete, create…"
exceptional. And just how it is processed and formatted.
When you are in the role of website or online store creator it is up to you to point out to the client that one sentence is not enough, especially if you provide basic SEO. You can give the client guidelines on how to expand the text, ie the sentence. For example, "we practice concentration" - how? "attention" - how? "we measure" - what and how? "argue" - about what? "learn" - what? how? "inspire" - who? how?
I wonder why News is part of a category and not a page?
News is actually a Blog.
Also, they do not set specific categories and tags.
And to leave a comment.
Except at the beginning of the "Leave a reply" form and at the end of the "submit a comment" button, I can barely, barely see what it says. It must be the jars fault ;)
If I am on the News page I am interested in news and not products. And vice versa. This is my opinion. And it is logical.
The News page and the individual article should contain the categories and tags from the individual articles, in addition to the latest articles, and not new products. Yes it can; you can put new products on this page, but only at the end, not at the top.
Item 9. Addition of special pages (terms of use, privacy policy, etc.). Those pages exist. But they are not formatted completely.
Again, there is text that is hard to read, ie different colors from the rest of the text on the page.
Item 10. Implementation and configuration of the plugins for Shop. And which ones? When I was looking for plugins through the source code, I came across one plugin - woo variation swatches,
which is not used here. Why!?
Item 11. Add up to 12 products (pictures, descriptions and more).
I believe that compiling product descriptions is not part of basic SEO.
Maybe it’s, after all, part of advanced SEO, which this company hasn’t paid for.
And did you know that for one product you have two descriptions (shorter and longer)? A brief description can be found below the title of the product, as in this example, "Earrings made of wooden sticks". A longer description can be found in the tab "Product Description", which is not available on this online store. Where there are Reviews, there, there should be another tab.
And did you notice anything else in this picture (above)?
I did, two things. The first has two of the same categories. Wood and Wood. Another thing, the product tags are "earrings" and "wood" in english. Hmm? They should be "earrings" and "wood" in Serbian. Isn't it? Where do you see the words "earrings" and "wood" in English on this page? ( Me nowhere. How nice this detail is for SEO. Well done.
And one more thing for the end.
If I am on the page which is in Serbian, I expect the title of the picture to also be in Serbian.
The name of the picture is "Earings-Metal-Hearts". And this is wonderful for SEO. If the jewelry element is in English then it can be written that way. For example, bracelet best friends
This online store, in addition to being made with a pagebuilder (which I do not approve of), is overloaded with plugins that are not necessary and some are not even used. Also, there is no basic SEO optimization as stated in the package price. The Quilidreta online store (will open in a new tab, in Serbian) is mostly in Serbian, but there are parts that are still in English. In some parts of the website, the text is either poorly or not readable at all.
All in all, do you think it is worth giving over 630 euros for an online store like this?
I don't think so. And you?
In the same way, you can check other websites created by this creator and find out if any of his packages contain basic SEO optimization, I think, if you are interested.
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