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Sunday, September 5, 2021

Da li izabrati agenciju ili kreatora za izradu web sajta? (Do you choose an agency or creator to create a website?)

Post in English.

Napomena: linkovi se po standardnoj postavki ovog clanka otvaraju u novom tabu/kartici.

Svako ko se bavi ovim poslom, ubedjivace Vas zasto je jedno bolje od drugog. Agencija ce reci:

1. Imamo vise godina iskustva, i vise poznatih klijenata, od nekog tamo kreatora, koji mozda nema nijednog;
2. Mi smo registrovana firma, a kreator nije;
3. Mi imamo svoje poslovne prostorije, a kreator radi od kuce;
4. Mi smo porodicna firma;
5. Imamo veliki broj zadovoljnih klijenata;
6. Trudimo se da postujemo dogovoreno i rokove;
7. Na prvom mestu nam je kvalitet i profesionalni odnos prema klijentima;
8. Dodatno se usavrsavamo.

I sta sad sve ovo zapravo znaci?

1. Zar kreator ne moze imati vise godina iskustva? Poznati klijenti su super preporuka, ali ako njihovi web sajtovi nisu SEO optimizovani, sta Vi dobijate od toga sto ta agencija ima poznate klijente.

Napomena: uskoro ce biti clanak na mom blogu u vezi poznatih agencija i njihovih poznatih klijenata. Procitajte Poznate agencije za pravljenje web sajtova i njihovi poznati klijenti.

2. Sta Vam je agencija rekla ovom recenicom? Dali smo novac APR-u da bi registrovali firmu. Moramo da placamo porez drzavi. I zato ce Vas izrada web sajta kostati djavo-i-po. Ima kreatora koji zaradju vise, ali isto tako imaju obavezu placanja drzavi. Oni koji ne placaju drzavi, jos uvek ne zaradjuju dovoljno da bi povukli "crvenu zastavicu" kod Poreske Uprave ili kako god da se zove Institucija kojoj kreator mora da plati od svoje zarade.

3. I opet, placamo te prostorije i racune svakog meseca, te cemo Vam na prethodno djavo-i-po dodati jos, ponekog djavola. Kreator radi od kuce ili zato sto nema novca da iznajmi kancelariju ili zato sto mu je udobnije od kuce ili 'pak zato sto mora da cuva decu ili roditelje.

4. Oni su porodicno preduzece koje daje kvalitetne usluge i imaju profesionalan odnos prema klijentima i tako zele odrzati i opstati jos nekoliko godina. Molim?? I kreator moze da ima porodicu i da na svoje potomke prenese ovaj posao. Takodje, taj kreator moze pruzati kvalitene usluge i da ima profi odnos sa klijentima. Mislite li da kreator sa svim prethodno navedenim, ne zeli da odrzi to i da opstane jos dugi niz godina? Svasta. Svasta ljudi pisu. O kvalitetu usluga bice u tacki 7.

5. Da li klijent zna da je zadovoljan ili ga je agencija ubedila da bude zadovoljan? Da pojasnim. Na osnovu cega su klijenti zadovoljni? Da kazem drugim recim, da li klijent zna da je prevaren? Ili slepo veruje agenciji koja je napravila web sajt i znaci sa time je zadovoljan. Mozda klijent nije trazio standardni SEO, ali ako agencija (ili kreator) na svom web sajtu tvrde da svaki ili odredjeni paket ima tu stavku, a klijent je ne dobije. To je prevara.

6. Pa sad, kao da kreator ne moze takodje da se trudi da ostvari isto. Uostalom oni ovom recenicom ne tvrde da ce klijent 100% dobiti dogovoreno, nego se ogradjuju, ali suptilno. Tome svako tezi bilo kojim poslom da se bavi.

7. Ako do sada niste procitali Jeftin web sajt nije dobar, sad je vreme. Ko ocenjuje i procenjuje kvalitet usluga? Sama agencija za sebe. Da, ali ako dokaze. A reci samo - imamo veliki broj klijenata ili poznatih klijenata ne znaci nista. Treba prikazati dokaz kako na svom web sajtu, tako i na web sajtu klijenta.

Napomena: primer o mom web sajtu, bice uskoro na blogu.  Pogledajte Analiza web sajta Marija Rikic SEO optimizacija.

Ako smatrate da je kvalitet samo web sajt koji lepo izgleda, grdno se varate. U slucaju da ne procitate clanak, reci cu Vam, da se lepota ne prodaje osim ako niste "prodavacica ljubavi". A ako zelite razjasnjenje ove recenice, ipak cete morati da procitate onaj clanak. Da li mislite da jednom kreatoru takodje nije bitan kvalitet i profesionalnost prema klijentima?

8. Hahahahahahaha. Da li ova recenica znaci da se kreatori ne usavrsavaju? Mogu, i usavrsavaju se i oni sami.

Azurirano 14.09.2021.

9. Citiram 

"Nismo pojedinci koji se ovim poslom bave amaterski, nelegalno, neprofesionalno ili da bi dopunili svoj kućni budžet. Mi smo zvanično registrovana firma, ne krijemo svoje kontakt podatke i adresu, već se nalazimo na registrovanoj adresi na kojoj se nalaze naše poslovne prostorije i koje su u našem vlasništvu. Tako da smo za svoje klijente uvek dostupni."

"Nismo pojedinci koji se ovim poslom bave amaterski,...". 
Ovo je isto kao da ste rekli da sva deca koja se amaterski bave kosarkom ili fudbalom ili nekim drugim sportom su manje vredna od onih koji se bave profesionalno ili ne amaterski. Ono sto su zaboravili, je to da su i oni nekad bili amateri. Niko se nije rodio kao profesionalac u necemu.  

Koliko ja znam, a moguce je da ne znam puno, praviti web sajtove bez registrovane firme nije krivicno delo. 

Ko je ovde sudija? Ko govori da je agencija profesionalna, a da je neki tamo kreator (pojedinac) neprofesionalan? Agencija govori. Na osnovu cega?  

Kao sto sam vec rekla bice u clanku o poznatim agencijama i poznatim klijentima.

"...ili da bi dopunili svoj kućni budžet...".
A oni kao registrovana firma ne dopunjavaju svoj kucni budzet. Nije sija nego vrat. Recite mi, sta ima lose u tome sto neko radi dva posla - u ova danasnja vremena kada spajamo kraj s krajem, s minimalcem ili mizerijom? Ako uopste znate sta je mizerija. Mizerija je pola minimalca. Mozda Vi kao klijent radite dva posla. A ova agencija Vam to brani. Ne smete Vi da dopunjavate svoj kucni budzet. Ma na osnovu cega bre?

"...Mi smo zvanično registrovana firma,...".
Postoji li neka firma koja nije zvanicno registrovana? Ili su mozda mislili da je uopste registrovana, u odnosu na kreatora koji nema registrovanu firmu.  Za ostatak recenice imate objasnjenje pod tackom 2.

" krijemo svoje kontakt podatke i adresu,...".
Moze im se kad im je adresa i kontakt telefon odvojen od kucne adrese i privatnog telefona. Mislite da bi agencija podelila svoju kucnu adresu i privatni telefon javno na web sajtu? Svako to radi iz odredjenih razloga. Ali najvise iz bezbednosnih, za adresu. A sto se tice telefona, mozda nemaju pametan telefon ili bilo koji drugi telefon sa dve kartice, a mozda i ne mogu sebi da priuste dva telefona. 

"...već se nalazimo na registrovanoj adresi...".
Tacka 2. Da dodam, mozda postoji neka adresa koja nije registrovana. A mozda kreator zivi na adresi koja nije registrovana.

" kojoj se nalaze naše poslovne prostorije...".
Tacka 3. 

"...i koje su u našem vlasništvu".
Auf. Pa gde me nadje? Od amateraca, preko ledja mnogobrojnih i poznatih klijenata (koji nemaju predstavu da smo ih zavrnuli), stigli smo do profesionalaca i od tih para smo uspeli da kupimo poslovne prostorije. Ako Vam je malo ono djavo-i-po i jos pokoji djavo, evo Vam ovde jos djavola. Pricam o ceni izrade web sajta. 

I zasto bas odabrati neku agenciju pre nego nekog kreatora? Citiram deo recenice 

"...a da pritom ostanemo dovoljno skromni.".
Ako ova agencija smatra da se skromnost meri time sto ce ponizavati kreatore (pojedince), a sebe uzdizati, gorak je ukus tog hleba sto jedu.

"Tako da smo za svoje klijente uvek dostupni.".
Dostupni su 24 sata za izradu web sajta, u zvanicno registrovanoj firmi, na registrovanoj adresi, na kojoj se nalaze njihove poslovne prostorije, koje su u njihovom vlasnistvu. Cisto sumnjam da rade 24h iz poslovnih prostorija kao policijska stanica. A mozda i rade.

Ja sam kreator i imam jednog klijenta. I ja sam Vas ubedjivala. To je cinjenica.

Note: links are opened in the new tab by default.

Anyone involved in this business will convince you why one is better than the other. The agency will say:

1. We have many years of experience, and more famous clients, than some creator there, who may not have any;
2. We are a registered firm and the creator is not;
3. We have our own business premises, and the creator works from home;
4. We are a family business;
5. We have a large number of satisfied customers;
6. We try to respect the agreed deadlines;
7. Our first priority is quality and professional attitude towards clients;
8. We are further improving.

And what does all this really mean now?

1. Can't a creator have many years of experience? Well-known clients are great recommendations, but if their websites are not SEO-optimized, what do you get from the fact that the agency has well-known clients.

2. What did the agency tell you in this sentence? We gave money to APR to register the company. We have to pay taxes to the state. And that's why creating a website will cost you a hell of a lot. There are creators who earn more, but also have an obligation to pay the state. Those who do not pay the state still do not earn enough to withdraw the "red flag" from the Tax Administration or whatever the name of the Institution to which the creator must pay from his earnings.

3. And again, we pay those offices and bills every month, and we'll add a few more devils to the previous devil. A careator works from home either because he has no money to rent an office or because he is more comfortable at home or because he has to take care of children or parents.

4. They are a family business that provides quality services and have a professional relationship with clients and so they want to maintain and survive for several more years. Excuse me?? And the creator can have a family and pass this work on to his descendants. Also, this creator can provide quality services and have a professional relationship with clients. Do you think that the creator, with all the above, does not want to maintain it and survive for many years to come? Nonsense. People will write anyting. On the quality of services will be in point 7.

5. Does the client know that he is satisfied or has the agency convinced him to be satisfied? Let me explain. On what basis are customers satisfied? To put it another way, does the client know he has been deceived? Or he blindly trusts the agency that made the website and means he is satisfied with it. Maybe the client didn’t ask for standard SEO, but if the agency (or creator) on their website claims that each or a particular package has that item, and the client doesn’t get it. It's a scam.

6. Well now, as if the creator cannot also strive to accomplish the same. After all, with this sentence, they do not claim that the client will get 100% of what's agreed, but they distance themselves, but subtly. Anyone will strive to do that, no matter what job is working.

7. If you haven't read the article Cheap website is not good by now, now is the time. Who evaluates and judges the quality of services? The agency itself. Yes, but with the evidence. And just to say - we have a large number of clients or known clients means nothing. Evidence should be displayed both on theirs website and on the client’s website.

If you think that quality is just a website that looks nice, you are sorely mistaken. In case you didn't read the article, I'll tell you, beauty doesn't sell unless you're a "love seller." And if you want to clarify this sentence, you will still have to read that article. Do you think that quality and professionalism towards clients are also not important to one creator?

8. Hahahahahahaha. Does this sentence mean that creators do not improve themselves? They can, and they improve themselves.

Updated 09/14/2021.

9. I quote

"We are not individuals who do this business as amateurs, illegally, unprofessionally or to supplement their household budget. We are an officially registered company, we do not hide our contact information and address, but we are at the registered address where our business premises are located and which are owned by us. So we are always available to our customers."

"We are not individuals who are engaged in this business as amateurs, ...".

This is like saying that all children who play basketball or football or some other sport as amateurs are less valuable than those who play professionally or not as amateurs. What they forgot is that they used to be amateurs too. No one was born a professional in anything.

"... illegal, ..,".

As far as I know, and I may not know much, making websites without a registered company is not a crime.


Who is the judge here? Who says that the agency is professional, and that some creator there (individual) is unprofessional? The agency is talking. Based on what?

"... or to supplement their household budget ...".

And they, as a registered company, do not supplement their household budget. It's not potato, it's the potatoe. Tell me, what's wrong with someone doing two jobs - in these days when we make ends meet, with minimal salary or misery? If you even know what misery is. Misery is half the minimal salary. Maybe you as a client are doing two jobs. And this agency is forbiding you. You must not supplement your home budget. On what basis?

"... We are an officially registered company, ...".

Is there a company that is not officially registered? Or maybe they thought it was registered at all, compared to a creator who doesn’t have a registered company. For the rest of the sentence you have an explanation under point 2.

"... we do not hide our contact details and address, ...".

They can do it when their address and contact phone number are separated from their home address and private phone number. Do you think the agency would share its home address and private phone publicly on the website? Everyone does it for certain reasons. But mostly from security, for the address. And when it comes to phones, they may not have a smartphone or any other dual-card phone, and they may not be able to afford two phones.

"... we are already at the registered address ...".

Point 2. To add, there may be some address that is not registered. And maybe the creator lives at an address that is not registered.

"... where our business premises are located ...".

Item 3.

"... and which are in our possession."

Ouch. So what the hell? From amateurs, through the backs of numerous and well-known clients (who have no idea that we crossed them over), we reached professionals and from that money we managed to buy business premises. If you have a little devil-and-half and a few more devils, here's another devil for you. I'm talking about the cost of making a website.

And why choose an agency over a creator? I quote part of a sentence

"... so we can remain modest enough."

If this agency believes that modesty is measured by humiliating the creators (individuals) and exalting themselves, the taste of the bread they eat is bitter.

"So we are always available for our clients."

They are available 24 hours to create a website, in an officially registered company, at a registered address, where their business premises are located, which are owned by them. I doubt very much that they work 24 hours a day from business premises as a police station. And maybe they do.

I am a creator and I have one client. I was trying to convince you too. That is a fact.

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