Operatori dodele:
$motori = 10;
Nesto slozeniji primer je podesavanje tri promenljive na istu vrednost. Ovaj kod sacuvajte kao operatori-dodele.php.
$motor = $kaciga = $rukavice = 1;
echo $motor, ", ", $kaciga, ", ", $rukavice; // rezultat: 1, 1, 1
Kombinovani operatori dodele su oni koji se kombinuju sa operatorom =
+=, -=, *=, /=, %=, .=, &=, |=, ^=, <<=, >>=
Ako zelite da promenljivu $moji_motori povecate za 10
$moji_motori = $moji_motori + 10;
Pomocu kombinovanog operatora dodele += ovo mozete da skratite.
$moji_motori += 10;
Primer upotrebe operatora spajanja (.) i operatora deljenja (/).
$tekst = "Volim ";
$ukupno = 150;
echo $tekst .= "motore.<br>"; // rezultat : Volim motore.
echo "Prosek = ", $ukupno /=3, "<br>"; // rezultat: Prosek = 50
Assignment Operators:
The basic assignment operator is =. It adds value to a variable.
$motobikes = 10;
Something more complex example is setting three variables to the same value. This code save as assignment-operators.php.
$motobike = $helmet = $gloves = 1;
echo $motobike, ", ", $helmet, ", ", $gloves; // R: 1, 1, 1
Combined assignment operators are the ones that are combined with the operator =
+ =, - =, * =, / =,% =,. =, & =, | =, ^ =, << =, >> =
If you want the variable $my_motobikes increase by 10
$my_motobikes = $my_motobikes + 10;
With combined assignment operator + = you can shorten this.
$my_motobikes + = 10;
Example of usage concatenation operator (.) and the division operator (/).
$text = "I love ";
$total = 150;
echo $text .= "motobikes.<br>"; // R: I love motobikes.
echo "Average = ", $total /=3, "<br>"; // R: Average = 50
- osnovni operator
- kombinovani operatori
$motori = 10;
Nesto slozeniji primer je podesavanje tri promenljive na istu vrednost. Ovaj kod sacuvajte kao operatori-dodele.php.
$motor = $kaciga = $rukavice = 1;
echo $motor, ", ", $kaciga, ", ", $rukavice; // rezultat: 1, 1, 1
Kombinovani operatori dodele su oni koji se kombinuju sa operatorom =
+=, -=, *=, /=, %=, .=, &=, |=, ^=, <<=, >>=
Ako zelite da promenljivu $moji_motori povecate za 10
$moji_motori = $moji_motori + 10;
Pomocu kombinovanog operatora dodele += ovo mozete da skratite.
$moji_motori += 10;
Primer upotrebe operatora spajanja (.) i operatora deljenja (/).
$tekst = "Volim ";
$ukupno = 150;
echo $tekst .= "motore.<br>"; // rezultat : Volim motore.
echo "Prosek = ", $ukupno /=3, "<br>"; // rezultat: Prosek = 50
Assignment Operators:
- basic operator
- combined operators
The basic assignment operator is =. It adds value to a variable.
$motobikes = 10;
Something more complex example is setting three variables to the same value. This code save as assignment-operators.php.
$motobike = $helmet = $gloves = 1;
echo $motobike, ", ", $helmet, ", ", $gloves; // R: 1, 1, 1
Combined assignment operators are the ones that are combined with the operator =
+ =, - =, * =, / =,% =,. =, & =, | =, ^ =, << =, >> =
If you want the variable $my_motobikes increase by 10
$my_motobikes = $my_motobikes + 10;
With combined assignment operator + = you can shorten this.
$my_motobikes + = 10;
Example of usage concatenation operator (.) and the division operator (/).
$text = "I love ";
$total = 150;
echo $text .= "motobikes.<br>"; // R: I love motobikes.
echo "Average = ", $total /=3, "<br>"; // R: Average = 50
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