Operator povecanja (en. increment) je (++).
Operator smanjenja (en. decrement) je (--).
Ako je vrednost $motori 0, onda se pomocu operatora ++ ($motori ++) dobija vrednost promenljive $motori od 1.
Ako je vrednost $motori 10, onda se pomocu operatora -- ($motori --) dobija vrednost promenljive $motori od 9.
Upotreba operatora ++ i -- pre i posle imena promenljive.
++$motori se naziva prefiks operator.
$motori++ se naziva postfiks operator.
Ako koristite ++$motori vrednost promenljive $motori se povecava, a onda se ta povecana vrednost koristi u ostalom delu iskaza.
Ako koristite $motori++ u iskazu se prvo upotrebi originalna vrednost promenljive $motori, pa se ta vrednost poveca za 1.
++$aqua preinkrement - povecava se vrednost promenljive $aqua za 1, a onda se vraca vrednost $aqua.
$aqua++ postinkrement - vraca se $aqua, a onda se promenljiva $aqua povecava za 1.
--$aqua predekrement - smanjuje se vrednost promenljive $aqua za 1, a onda se vraca vrednost $aqua.
$aqua-- postdekrement - vraca se $aqua, a onda se promenljiva $aqua smanjuje za 1.
$motori = $kaciga = $rukavice = $jakna = 1;
echo "\$motori++ daje ", $motori++, "<br>"; //
R: $motori++ daje 1
echo "++\$kaciga daje ", ++$kaciga, "<br>";
// R: ++$kaciga daje 2
echo "\$rukavice-- daje ", $rukavice--, "<br>";
// R: $rukavice-- daje 1
echo "--\$jakna daje ", --$jakna, "<br>";
// R: --$jakna daje 0
Ovaj kod sacuvajte kao povecanje-smanjenje.php.
Koristite ++ i -- kao prefiks operatore ako samo zelite da vrednost promenljive povecate ili smanjite za 1 a ne i da brinete o tome kada je ta vrednost promenjena.
Incrementing operator is (++).
Decrementing operator is (-).
If the value of $motobikes is 0, then using operator ++ ($motobikes++) gets the value of $motobikes is 1.
If the value of $motobikes is 10, then using operator -- ($motobikes--) gets the value of $motobikes is 9.
Using operators ++ and - before and after the variable name.
++$motobikes is called a prefix operator.
$motobikes++ is called postfix operator.
If you use ++$motobikes, value of $motobikes increases, then the increased value is used in the rest of the statement.
If you use $motobikes++, in the statement first is used the original value of $motobikes, and then that value increases for 1.
++$aqua preincrement - increases the value of $aqua for 1, and then returns the value of $aqua.
$aqua++ postincrement - returns $aqua, and then the variable $aqua increases for 1.
--$aqua predecrement - reduces the value of $aqua for 1, and then returns the value of $aqua.
$aqua-- postdecrement - returns $aqua, and then the variable $aqua decreases for 1.
$motobikes = $helmet = $gloves = $jacket = 1;
echo "\$motobikes++ daje ", $motobikes++, "<br>";
// R: $motobikes++ daje 1
echo "++\$helmet daje ", ++$helmet, "<br>";
// R: ++$helmet daje 2
echo "\$gloves-- daje ", $gloves--, "<br>";
// R: $gloves-- daje 1
echo "--\$jacket daje ", --$jacket, "<br>"; //
R: --$jacket daje 0
This code save as an increment-decrement.php.
Use the ++ and - as a prefix operators if you just want to increase or decrease value of variables to 1 and not to worry about that when the value was changed.
Operator smanjenja (en. decrement) je (--).
Ako je vrednost $motori 0, onda se pomocu operatora ++ ($motori ++) dobija vrednost promenljive $motori od 1.
Ako je vrednost $motori 10, onda se pomocu operatora -- ($motori --) dobija vrednost promenljive $motori od 9.
Upotreba operatora ++ i -- pre i posle imena promenljive.
++$motori se naziva prefiks operator.
$motori++ se naziva postfiks operator.
Ako koristite ++$motori vrednost promenljive $motori se povecava, a onda se ta povecana vrednost koristi u ostalom delu iskaza.
Ako koristite $motori++ u iskazu se prvo upotrebi originalna vrednost promenljive $motori, pa se ta vrednost poveca za 1.
++$aqua preinkrement - povecava se vrednost promenljive $aqua za 1, a onda se vraca vrednost $aqua.
$aqua++ postinkrement - vraca se $aqua, a onda se promenljiva $aqua povecava za 1.
--$aqua predekrement - smanjuje se vrednost promenljive $aqua za 1, a onda se vraca vrednost $aqua.
$aqua-- postdekrement - vraca se $aqua, a onda se promenljiva $aqua smanjuje za 1.
$motori = $kaciga = $rukavice = $jakna = 1;
echo "\$motori++ daje ", $motori++, "<br>"; //
R: $motori++ daje 1
echo "++\$kaciga daje ", ++$kaciga, "<br>";
// R: ++$kaciga daje 2
echo "\$rukavice-- daje ", $rukavice--, "<br>";
// R: $rukavice-- daje 1
echo "--\$jakna daje ", --$jakna, "<br>";
// R: --$jakna daje 0
Ovaj kod sacuvajte kao povecanje-smanjenje.php.
Koristite ++ i -- kao prefiks operatore ako samo zelite da vrednost promenljive povecate ili smanjite za 1 a ne i da brinete o tome kada je ta vrednost promenjena.
Incrementing operator is (++).
Decrementing operator is (-).
If the value of $motobikes is 0, then using operator ++ ($motobikes++) gets the value of $motobikes is 1.
If the value of $motobikes is 10, then using operator -- ($motobikes--) gets the value of $motobikes is 9.
Using operators ++ and - before and after the variable name.
++$motobikes is called a prefix operator.
$motobikes++ is called postfix operator.
If you use ++$motobikes, value of $motobikes increases, then the increased value is used in the rest of the statement.
If you use $motobikes++, in the statement first is used the original value of $motobikes, and then that value increases for 1.
++$aqua preincrement - increases the value of $aqua for 1, and then returns the value of $aqua.
$aqua++ postincrement - returns $aqua, and then the variable $aqua increases for 1.
--$aqua predecrement - reduces the value of $aqua for 1, and then returns the value of $aqua.
$aqua-- postdecrement - returns $aqua, and then the variable $aqua decreases for 1.
$motobikes = $helmet = $gloves = $jacket = 1;
echo "\$motobikes++ daje ", $motobikes++, "<br>";
// R: $motobikes++ daje 1
echo "++\$helmet daje ", ++$helmet, "<br>";
// R: ++$helmet daje 2
echo "\$gloves-- daje ", $gloves--, "<br>";
// R: $gloves-- daje 1
echo "--\$jacket daje ", --$jacket, "<br>"; //
R: --$jacket daje 0
This code save as an increment-decrement.php.
Use the ++ and - as a prefix operators if you just want to increase or decrease value of variables to 1 and not to worry about that when the value was changed.
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