Osam tipova podataka koje PHP podrzava:
NULL - sadrzi vrednost NULL.
PHP sam odredjuje tip promenljive na osnovu podatka.
//Ovaj iskaz ce promenljivoj $variable dodeliti tip string
$variable = "Pozdrav iz Beograda <br>";
echo "$variable";
//Ovaj iskaz ce napraviti promenljivu tipa float
$variable = 1.2345;
echo "$variable <br>";
//Ovaj iskaz ce napraviti promenljivu tipa boolean
$variable = TRUE;
echo "$variable <br>";
Ovaj fajl sacuvajte kao tipovipodataka.php.
Ako pocnete da mesate tipove podataka, moze doci do problema. Npr. kada promenljivoj $variable dodate vrednost pomocu operatora + (o cemu ce biti reci u delu Rukovanje nizovima i stringovima).
$variable = "Pozdrav iz Beograda <br>";
echo "$variable";
$variable = 1.2345;
echo "$variable <br>";
$variable = TRUE;
echo "$variable <br>";
$variable = "0 <br>"; // $variable je string podesen na 0
echo "$variable";
$variable = $variable + 2; // $variable je sad ceo broj sa vrednoscu 2
echo "$variable <br>";
$variable = $variable + 1.1; // $variable je sada tipa float sa vrenoscu 3.1
echo "$variable <br>";
$variable = 2 + "7 motora"; // $variable je sada ceo broj sa vrednoscu 9
echo "$variable";
Eight types of data that PHP supports:
boolean - contains true/false value (true / not true).
integer - contains whole numbers, such as -2, 7, 0, and so on.
float - contains floating point (type double) as 3.141 or 2.758.
string - contains text, for example. "Greetings from Belgrade".
array - contains a arrays of data.
object - contains objects from the program.
resource - contains resources data.
PHP defines the variable type based on the data.
<? php
// This statement will assign to variable $variable type string
$variable = "Greetings from Belgrade <br>";
echo "$variable";
// This statement will create a variable of type float
$variable = 1.2345;
echo "$variable <br>";
// This statement will create a variable of type Boolean
$variable = TRUE;
echo "$variable <br>";
This file save as datatypes.php.
If you start to mix the types of data, problems may occur. For example, when to the variable $variable add value by using the + operator (which will be discussed in part handling arrays and strings).
$variable = "Hello from Belgrade <br>";
echo "$variable";
$variable = 1.2345;
echo "$variable <br>";
$variable = TRUE;
echo "$variable <br>";
$variable = "0 <br>"; // $variable is string st to 0
echo "$variable";
$variable = $variable + 2;
// $variable is now whole number with value 2
echo "$variable <br>";
$variable = $variable + 1.1; // $variable is now float type with value 3.1
echo "$variable <br>";
$variable = 2 + "7 motobikes"; // $variable is now whole number with value 9
echo "$variable";
- boolean
- ineteger
- float
- string
- array
- object
- resource
boolean - sadrzi vrednost true/false (tacno/ne tacno).
ineteger - sadrzi cele brojeve, kao sto su -2, 7, 0, itd.
string - sadrzi tekst, npr. "Pozdrav iz Beograda" .
array - sadrzi niz sa podacima.
object - sadrzi objekte iz programa.
resource - sadrzi resurse sa podacima.
NULL - sadrzi vrednost NULL.
PHP sam odredjuje tip promenljive na osnovu podatka.
//Ovaj iskaz ce promenljivoj $variable dodeliti tip string
$variable = "Pozdrav iz Beograda <br>";
echo "$variable";
//Ovaj iskaz ce napraviti promenljivu tipa float
$variable = 1.2345;
echo "$variable <br>";
//Ovaj iskaz ce napraviti promenljivu tipa boolean
$variable = TRUE;
echo "$variable <br>";
Ovaj fajl sacuvajte kao tipovipodataka.php.
Ako pocnete da mesate tipove podataka, moze doci do problema. Npr. kada promenljivoj $variable dodate vrednost pomocu operatora + (o cemu ce biti reci u delu Rukovanje nizovima i stringovima).
$variable = "Pozdrav iz Beograda <br>";
echo "$variable";
$variable = 1.2345;
echo "$variable <br>";
$variable = TRUE;
echo "$variable <br>";
$variable = "0 <br>"; // $variable je string podesen na 0
echo "$variable";
$variable = $variable + 2; // $variable je sad ceo broj sa vrednoscu 2
echo "$variable <br>";
$variable = $variable + 1.1; // $variable je sada tipa float sa vrenoscu 3.1
echo "$variable <br>";
$variable = 2 + "7 motora"; // $variable je sada ceo broj sa vrednoscu 9
echo "$variable";
Eight types of data that PHP supports:
- boolean
- ineteger
- float
- string
- array
- object
- resource
boolean - contains true/false value (true / not true).
integer - contains whole numbers, such as -2, 7, 0, and so on.
float - contains floating point (type double) as 3.141 or 2.758.
string - contains text, for example. "Greetings from Belgrade".
array - contains a arrays of data.
object - contains objects from the program.
resource - contains resources data.
PHP defines the variable type based on the data.
<? php
// This statement will assign to variable $variable type string
$variable = "Greetings from Belgrade <br>";
echo "$variable";
// This statement will create a variable of type float
$variable = 1.2345;
echo "$variable <br>";
// This statement will create a variable of type Boolean
$variable = TRUE;
echo "$variable <br>";
This file save as datatypes.php.
If you start to mix the types of data, problems may occur. For example, when to the variable $variable add value by using the + operator (which will be discussed in part handling arrays and strings).
$variable = "Hello from Belgrade <br>";
echo "$variable";
$variable = 1.2345;
echo "$variable <br>";
$variable = TRUE;
echo "$variable <br>";
$variable = "0 <br>"; // $variable is string st to 0
echo "$variable";
$variable = $variable + 2;
// $variable is now whole number with value 2
echo "$variable <br>";
$variable = $variable + 1.1; // $variable is now float type with value 3.1
echo "$variable <br>";
$variable = 2 + "7 motobikes"; // $variable is now whole number with value 9
echo "$variable";
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