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Sunday, May 3, 2015

Pomoc pri otkrivanju gresaka u kodu (Help in detecting errors in the code)

Ako vam se tekst ne prikazuje na stranici a ne izbacuje vam greske mozete koristiti PhpFiddle.

1. Vec je izabrano polje "Initial code without HTML head and body tags"
2. Kliknite na "Get the code" dugme.
3. Ubacite kod izmedju php tagova.

4. Klik na "Run - F9" dugme ili Window tab.

5. Klik na dugme CodeSpace i potrazite gresku. U ovom slucaju jedan dupli navodnik viska pre $motor.

If the text is not displayed on the page but no errors are on your page you  can use PhpFiddle.

1. Default field already been chosen "Initial code without HTML head and body tags"

2. Click on the "Get the code" button.
3. Insert the code between the php tags.
4. Click on the "Run - F9" button or Window tab.
5. Click on the button CodeSpace  and look for error. In this case, a double quotation mark before the surplus $motobike.

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