U PHP-u postoji i alternativna sintaksa za iskaze if, while, for, foreach i switch. Ona menja otvorenu viticastu zagradu u dvotacku (:), a zatvorenu zagradu u endif;, endwhile; endfor;, endforeach; i endswitch;.
Primer: upotreba alternativne sintakse sa iskazom if.
$vrednost = 10;
if ($vrednost == 1):
echo "\$vrednost sadrzi 1";
elseif ($vrednost == 10):
echo "\$vrednost sadrzi 10.";
echo "\$vrednost ne sadrzi ni 1 ili 10.";
Sacuvajte ovaj fajl kao alertnativna-sintaksa.php.
$vrednost sadrzi 10.
Primer: upotreba alternativne sintakse sa petljom for.
for ($brojac_petlje = 0; $brojac_petlje < 4;
$brojac_petlje++) :
echo "Ovo cu uraditi 4 puta.<br>";
Ovo cu uraditi 4 puta.
Ovo cu uraditi 4 puta.
Ovo cu uraditi 4 puta.
Ovo cu uraditi 4 puta.
In PHP there is an alternative syntax for the statements if, while, for, foreach, and switch. It changes the open curly brace in a colon (:) and the closing curly brace to endif;, endwhile; endfor;, endforeach; and endswitch;.
Example: use of alternate syntax with the statement if.
$value = 10;
if ($value == 1):
echo "\$value contains 1";
elseif ($value == 10):
echo "\$value contains 10.";
echo "\$value does not contain either 1 or 10.";
Save this file as alternative-syntax.php.
$value contains 10.
Example: use of alternate syntax with the loop for.
for ($loop_counter = 0; $loop_counter < 4;
$loop_counter++) :
echo "I will do this 4 times.<br>";
I will do this 4 times.
I will do this 4 times.
I will do this 4 times.
I will do this 4 times.
Primer: upotreba alternativne sintakse sa iskazom if.
$vrednost = 10;
if ($vrednost == 1):
echo "\$vrednost sadrzi 1";
elseif ($vrednost == 10):
echo "\$vrednost sadrzi 10.";
echo "\$vrednost ne sadrzi ni 1 ili 10.";
Sacuvajte ovaj fajl kao alertnativna-sintaksa.php.
$vrednost sadrzi 10.
Primer: upotreba alternativne sintakse sa petljom for.
for ($brojac_petlje = 0; $brojac_petlje < 4;
$brojac_petlje++) :
echo "Ovo cu uraditi 4 puta.<br>";
Ovo cu uraditi 4 puta.
Ovo cu uraditi 4 puta.
Ovo cu uraditi 4 puta.
Ovo cu uraditi 4 puta.
In PHP there is an alternative syntax for the statements if, while, for, foreach, and switch. It changes the open curly brace in a colon (:) and the closing curly brace to endif;, endwhile; endfor;, endforeach; and endswitch;.
Example: use of alternate syntax with the statement if.
$value = 10;
if ($value == 1):
echo "\$value contains 1";
elseif ($value == 10):
echo "\$value contains 10.";
echo "\$value does not contain either 1 or 10.";
Save this file as alternative-syntax.php.
$value contains 10.
Example: use of alternate syntax with the loop for.
for ($loop_counter = 0; $loop_counter < 4;
$loop_counter++) :
echo "I will do this 4 times.<br>";
I will do this 4 times.
I will do this 4 times.
I will do this 4 times.
I will do this 4 times.
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